most of you are ex-dubs, so what if world events proved that the JW's were right. for instance, governments turning on religion, matthew 24th chapt events really increasing at an alarming rate, enough to make you think: " maybe they were right?" if that happened, and the WTS left the "door on the ark", so to speak, open for a little while, would you go back to the WTS?
question for all
by bonnzo 26 Replies latest jw friends
No. I would never return to an organization built upon false prophesies, yet claims to have an infallibility (only when it hasn't been proven wrong, when they have been proven wrong they're "just men").
For me, it is not about whether the WTS is right or wrong. It is about whether god (lower case intentional) is right or wrong. I believe that the god of the bible is absolutely insane and guilty for crimes against humanity. If it turned out he is right (and real), then I would go down flipping him off saying f**k you, laughing all the way to the end.
Just my thoughts.
Not a chance in hell. I'm absolutely convinced they are wrong about everything. Plus, I'd rather be dead then ever be a JW again.
Not possible Bonzzo.
It's been proven that one of your major doctrines is wrong (607 BCE.) It all happened in 587 BCE!
Check out Carl Ollofson's "Gentile Time Reconsidered," if you are not concerned about reading so-called "Apostate material."
Even if you missed that one, I didn't feel love when I went there. John 13:35 By this all will know that YOU are my disciples, if YOU have love among yourselves.”
They keep records on people, which is also unscriptural. John 18:20 Jesus answered him: “I have spoken to the world publicly. I always taught in a synagogue and in the temple, where all the Jews come together; and I spoke nothing in secret.
Let's just say if there was even the slightest milimeter of a chance that the Jehovah's Witnesses were right, I would still think Jehovah resurrects good and bad people. Jehovah wouldn't make mistakes of whom he should resurrected. He would even resurrect faithful Catholics and Anglicans.
All of us have partial knowledge (including JW's) 1 Co 13: 9-10 For we have partial knowledge and we prophesy partially; but when that which is complete arrives, that which is partial will be done away with. -
Hello bonnzo,If the JWs are right (in terms of being correct about even their most grandiose claims, e.g., being God's channel of communication, etc), it would indicate a paradox of incredible magnitude.
It would mean that the God they say is loving, just, honest, and so on, backed an organization with a history of intentional deceit, which has hurt its followers in the most heartbreaking ways, which has made scores of absurd scientific claims, which has made outrageous prophetic errors and then pretended that they never happened. In short, if they were actually right in their depiction of the universe, it would mean that a loving and honest God had actually supported and directed the harm and deception done to its followers.
I know based on my research that JW beliefs are incorrect. But I also believe that it is not possible for JW beliefs to be right because they are a totally incoherent belief system and cannot form a single rational system of thought, even if they were all true. It's kind of like this M.C. Escher print:
Asking, "What if the JWs are right?" is kind of like asking, "What if this building really existed?" It cannot exist because it is impossible as a coherent system. It appears to be possible, but on closer examination, it is clear that it can never actually exist. The same is true of JW beliefs. If you look at them closely, you will find that they are so riddled with inconsistencies that they collapse under the weight of their own befuddled logic.
Governments in some lands already turned on the JW's, and religion in general, as well as many other "prophecies" in small scale. The world is a big place and what happens in a few square miles 1,000 miles away, does not seem to have the same pull it once had. To truly be a "act of god" it needs to happen global and to all. As any other way would just being blowing one story out of perportion ... wait, isn't that what the news does anyway?
Any religion (I mean ANY) that says they are the right religion means they wrong!
If you were the right religion, you wouldn't need to say you were! You have to read the Scriptures daily to see if it is true (Acts 17:11)
You tests the spirits to see if it's true. ... I mean... this Scripture says it all 1 John 4:1 Beloved ones, do not believe every inspired expression, but test the inspired expressions to see whether they originate with God, because many false prophets have gone forth into the world.
FREEPEACE: Please have a listen to what I said in my threads... I mean, they always say (a worldly saying if you must [or just common sense!!! lol]) "There is always 2 sides to a story."
I'll just leave you with this thought: Do we need an organization to get God's approval? -
no. it would take more than that for me to reconvert. god would have to prove to me he exists, and then explain to me why he backs this particular religion after showing me how it is that they are not wrong on the plethora of stuff they are wrong on. and if i learn anything from the book he wrote, he would rather smite me than waste his time explaining anything to me. so i guess i'm screwed if it ever happens. because i'm not reconverting without some damn good explainations from god himself.
I'd rather die than live with an organisation like the Watchtower.