Mine was a short-sleeved 'raver' t-shirt with a hood I wore when I was 13. It was a orange,green and yellow aztec pattern. For a few months I thought I looked cool.
What is the WORST item of clothing you have ever worn/bought?
by PaulJ 37 Replies latest jw friends
Okay, we're going back over twenty years but I once bought and wore a pair of tight, black, satin trousers.
Don't ask.
I have to! Satin??????
Yep! And at the time I was wearing purple silk boxer shorts!
That's it, I'm not telling no more I tell's ya.
Come on, ya' got to tell more!!!! Inquiring minds need to know, do you still wear the purple boxers.....or is it briefs now??? I can only imagine the visual!!!
The worse thing I had to wear were these matching outfits mom made for us 4 girls. They were HIDEOUS!! I'd even say they were demonized!! The neck came up to my chin. They were a nasty purlpish/red-pinkish color. It didn't take long to spill something on mine and render it useless. Since I did all the laundry, the other outfits didn't make it through too many washings.
The other ugly thing was these orange platform shoes. I ca'nt believe I actually wore those things! The rest of the award would have to go to the suits my stepdad wore. Since he was a ministrial servant he tried to look "hip". But all of those awful polyester suits needed to be thrown in the fire with the other demonized items!!!
matching outfits
I knew it wouldnt be long before this phrase came up. Me and my brother wore quite a few matching items of clothing, in particular i remember a royal blue pair of trousers with a thick red stripe down each leg. Nice!
Turquoise and pink short shorts. I was young and had a good figure but nothing would have made those look good.
Next, stiletto heels, wrecked my feet for ten years with ingrown toenails.
The worse thing I had to wear were these matching outfits mom made for us 4 girls. They were HIDEOUS!
Talk about flashbacks!!!!My G'mother knew a lady that made dresses and when I was in elementary and middle school, my Mother would send my measurements to my Gram and have this lady make dresses for me. (UGH) (SHUDDER)
I don't know where she got the fabric, but her color combinations were less than desirable, and I cringed every time a package from her came on my birthday or at Christmas. There wasn't ONE item during all those years---that would have been chosen by me to wear to school!! Or anywhere for that matter!
The worst one was a red-white-blue plaid skirt with an attached blouse and vest in an unmatching shade of blue. It was always way too big, (I was very skinny as a kid) and my Mom would make me wear it when Gram was visiting.....oh, the shame!!! The humiliation!!!
I have a few snapshots (somewhere) of me when I was wearing one of these "creations" and the impact is still the same.....
Sad emo
Think my worst has to be my school uniform - maroon Crimplene jacket and skirt. The fabric was so thick and sweaty in summer. You'd get static electric shocks all the time and the worst thing - we had to wear these for the first 3 years of high school (11-14) when many girls are rapidly expanding - my parents couldn't afford another uniform and crimplene doesn't stretch much... nuff said...
My grandmother, who was an expert tailoress, once made me an overcoat.
It was turquoise..