Hey Arrowstaw!
Whatcha doin' inside? Come outside on the back porch with the me, abba, kls and evilforce. Evil! stop bogarting the hawaiian yo!
by RichieRich 58 Replies latest jw friends
Hey Arrowstaw!
Whatcha doin' inside? Come outside on the back porch with the me, abba, kls and evilforce. Evil! stop bogarting the hawaiian yo!
Dansk is my radical left-wing cousin who ALMOST pulls me in to his wacky schemes.
Ha! Dansk. Made you look!
(going out to the backporch to join the others)
Anybody want some homemade ice cream??
Arrowstar - you are a bad girl making us get all vali-dating on a thread again!
Here I could do with an icecream though!
Anybody want some homemade ice cream??
my grandfather makes it.
Maybe Richie - what flavour is it? Guess my top 3 favourites!
he does vanilla, chocolate, and strawberry, made with strawberries he grew...
Next time you're on this side of the pond, I'll have him whip some up for ya.
I'm like the crazy uncle at Thanksgiving. All the relatives are waiting to see what I do next...
"Is he going to get drunk and start screaming at the turkey about it being homophobic AGAIN this year?"
Is he going to sneak on the back porch and smoke weed with Uncle Abaddon, Uncle IPSec, and Auntie KLS?
Hang out with Auntie Blondie laughing and pointing at the latest Watchtower?
Can we keep him and Uncle's Sith and Jula71 apart at dinner so they don't fight?
Will we have to listen to him and Uncle 144001 rant on and on about G. W. Bush for 12,000th time?
Will he go out hunting with Cousin Ritchie trying to shoot a tofu tree so we can have Tofurkey instead for Thanksgiving?
Are those insufferable Brits Uncle Englishman and Uncle LittleToe showing up? All they do is talk about footie. LOL
Will EvilForce again hit on Cousin GetBusyLiving only to get shot down yet again?
Do Uncle's Scotman, EF, JoelBear, DarkUncle, Dora, SteveNYC, LittleRock, Jeffro, and ScoobySnax have to put on a DRAG SHOW every year?
Will Oz & Scully show up to make sure we keep the noise down?
Will JeannieBeanz, Sparkplug, Whyamihere and JT sing ABBA for Karoke for the 5th straight year?
Does Kwin and Talesin really need to put up 14 signs pointing the way to the door?
Will Auntie KatieKitten have a repeat performance of last year's Ecstacy drug induced "hug-a-thon"? Keep Uncle FrankieSpeak away from spking the punch again.
Will Minimus have a questionaire for all to fill out before playing Twister?
Will Auntie Crumpet be mean again this year to all the kids?
Do we have to listen to Classisist & Tetra tell us how in Canada Thanksgiving is in Oct. not Nov.
Will Auntie Jourles come disguised as another relative too?
Will the turkey actually be cooked this year, since last year Cousin BrownBoy baked it at 3+7+5 degrees for 4x5x5 minutes not 375 for 4 1/2 hours.
Will Scholar talk ad nasueum about the cranberry sauce being a Babalonian delicacy since 607 BCE?
Will Auntie HadEnuf cook 5 times the food we eat?
First the Dubs shun my sorry ass... now JWD. Come on guys... I brushed my teeth and washed my monkey ass... And I love turkey and gay guys... Do I get an invite...or " am I not EVIL enough".....bwaahhaahaaa u/d (of the promises to behave if invited class) P.S.- I'm going elk hunting and will bring some if invited.
anything with made from fresh fruit appeals so the strawb version sounds fabulous. I'd like to join in and have some of the hog roast first!