Do you generally lie? Do you think it's wrong to do? I know of some people that regularly speak untruth and think there's just nothing wrong with it.
What's Your View of Lying?
by minimus 41 Replies latest jw friends
If someone asks something thats none of their business, or tries to manipulate me, I might lie.
Example: If an elder asks me straight out if I'm going to the District assembly, and If I don't want to go, I might say that I will go, just to make him shut up. Because I'm not allowed as a JW to say, "no I won't go".
Other than that I never lie, and hate being lied to.
I am with JH!
I never lie unless I have to. It is never a big lie that would hurt someone.
I can't lie. It is hard for me to do. That's what gets me into trouble alot because I am too honest.
One time I was pulled over the Cop asked me if I knew why he pulled me over. I said "Yeah, because I was speeding cut a guy off and I didn't really stop at the stop sign" He laughed and said "Your head light is out!"
I'm a terrible liar. I doubt that I could remember the story line well enough to repeat it over and over. It's just too much work trying to remember the fibs. Much easier to tell the truth, no matter how unpleasant the consequences might be.
I hate being lied to. Especially by people I'm supposed to be able to trust. I tend to carry grudges for a long time over being lied to.
Lying does not produce good results. I don't like being lied to, and I try not to lie to others.
Exception: Sometimes I call in sick when I am really not. I call it a "mental health day". (guess that is kinda justifying it in my mind).
People know when I'm lying. I have an entirely different persona when I'm being dishonest. They can see right thru it. Like when I call out from work on account of being sick. They know I'm not sick, I'm just being lazy, not wanting to work. So I just tell the truth now, I just tell 'em, I ain't coming in today. No reason, no excuses, just calling out.
I hate it when people lie. There's just no need for it. Sometimes you hear it's because they don't want you mad at them. Personally, I get mad at the cover-ups and lies more than anything else!
Well, there is lying and then there is lying.
Just because someone asks us a question doesn't mean we have to give an answer; change the subject, move on.
In this type of situation, I ask a question: Why do you want to know? or a statement, that's a very personal question and I don't think I know you that well.
No one, and no one always tells the truth if you count what are termed white lies.
Your best friend asks, does this make me look fat? What do you say; it makes you look like an elephant if it does? Or do you find a more tactful way?
Lying is wrong. It is a sin and all communities of mankind have frowned upon it at a small level and had serious penalties for big lies.
That being said, Who can honestly say they have never lied? I try to avoid a direct answer to a question that I do not want to answer, but if I cannot think quick enough I might say an untruth. But It would not be planned.
We've all lied at one time or another but that certainly doesn't make it ok. The problem is that when a person always justifies lying to others, you just can't trust them.