The Story of Fatima?

by Blueblades 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • Blueblades

    Does the new Pope know what the secret message is all about? Why the silence? It all started way back in 1916. BTW, wasn't that the year Charles taze Russell died?

    Some things associated with the vision of Fatima are: The Lady " More Brilliant Than The Sun", The Children See Hell, The Vision Foretells World War 2 and Communism, The Children Are Jailed, 70,000 Gather For The Promised Miracle, The Sun Whirls In The Sky, The Children Enjoy Special Visions.

    The reporters, many of whom had come to scoff, gave long and detailed accounts of what had taken place, while the newspapers published many photographs of the great crowds and of the children. Although these were released to the entire world ( copies are on file in the U.S. CONGRESSIONAL LIBRARY ), few people outside Portugal paid any attention to these events, and newspapers in most other countries ignored the story completely.

    Anyone know anything about this , what is the latest you heard?


  • skyman

    The bag is out on this subject you need to look up the newest information. They never saw what you think they saw. There might be a nother exsplantion for it. But if you don't believe in UFO's don't do your research.

  • Blueblades

    Sky, I don't think anything or believe in what they saw, just want to know what others think or believe about it.


  • kazar

    I remember part of the story from when I attended Catholic school. These three children were supposed to have seen a vision of Mary, the Blessed Mother and Mary told them when the end of the world would come. And, yes, the Pope is supposed to have this information and will reveal it to the world when the time is right. However, since the last Pope died without revealing this information, we must assume he passed this information on to the present Pope.

    I think it is all bs.

  • skyman

    I actually have taken note of the information and I believe that they saw the future some how. I don't believe they saw Mary but they had to have seen something with all the witnesses present it could not of been made up and so I take note in that at least.

    So yes I believe it but not how they enterpret the story they explained it the only way they could by what they had been raised. For ex: if my boy saw a something tan running through the brush he would tell me dad I just saw a deer even through it was the next door neighbor with a tan coat on.

  • CaptainSchmideo

    About 5 years ago, PJ 2 announced that the third prophecy applied to him, and and that it foretold the assassination attempt on his life.

    So, once again, a religious leader, in an effort to receive more power and acclaim, applies prophecy to himself, and the slavish masses applaud like seals...

  • Sunspot

    Does anyone remember the song about this? All I can recall as far as the lyrics go---is "Dear Lady of Fatima we come on bended knee........."

    I was in the 6th grade when we sang it and I still remember the melody to this day.


  • jschwehm

    Hi Gang:

    Here is the 3rd part of the secret of Fatima from John Paul II. It is on the Vatican web page:

    Jeff Schwehm

  • the_classicist

    Sunspot, this is the only thing on the internet 'bout it:

    Title: Our Lady of Fatima.
    First Line: Ave Maria The heavens were opened our Lady appeared at Fatima oneday
    Chorus: Dear Lady of Fatima we come on bended knee
    Music by:
    Words by: Gollahon, Gladys.
    P/P/D: New York, NY : Robbins Music, c1950.
    Location: SPC, KIRK CM 1950-1951
  • funkyderek

    It's amazing how they managed to "predict" World War II way back in 1941

    And if that wasn't enough to convince you, they also predicted the death of some future Pope in a violent massacre at the hands of groups of soldiers. This was obviously fulfilled when Pope John Paul II nearly died in an assassination attempt by a lone gunman.

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