Does the new Pope know what the secret message is all about? Why the silence? It all started way back in 1916. BTW, wasn't that the year Charles taze Russell died?
Some things associated with the vision of Fatima are: The Lady " More Brilliant Than The Sun", The Children See Hell, The Vision Foretells World War 2 and Communism, The Children Are Jailed, 70,000 Gather For The Promised Miracle, The Sun Whirls In The Sky, The Children Enjoy Special Visions.
The reporters, many of whom had come to scoff, gave long and detailed accounts of what had taken place, while the newspapers published many photographs of the great crowds and of the children. Although these were released to the entire world ( copies are on file in the U.S. CONGRESSIONAL LIBRARY ), few people outside Portugal paid any attention to these events, and newspapers in most other countries ignored the story completely.
Anyone know anything about this , what is the latest you heard?