Meat eating preditors will eat grass like a lamb!

by jimakazi 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • love2Bworldly

    "Ah, yes, they smell now, but only because of imperfection. In the new system, shit won't stink. It'll be perfect - probably mint flavored or something."

    LOL man sometimes you apostates really crack me up

  • upside/down
    I tried grass once

    Silly human.... you're supposed to smoke it...not eat it...

    u/d (of the medium rare class)

  • Low-Key Lysmith
    Low-Key Lysmith

    If Jehoober did not intend for us to eat animals, he would not have made them out of meat. Can you honestly picture in your mind a Great White Shark languidly grazing on kelp? Or does this mean that killing machines like sharks or cats, or dogs, or even a lot of insects are bound for Gehenna? Dumbshits.

  • upside/down

    Critters are tasty... period.

    u/d (of the kill 'em and grill 'em class)

  • EvilForce

    Meat tastes like murder.......and murder tastes good !
    EvilForce - Of the already a vegetarian class

  • zen nudist
    zen nudist

    and there is no accounting for all those meat eating dinosaurs either (^_^)

    my favorite vegetable is chicken..... the other winged vegetable.

    all predators have their eyes in the front so they can used their binocular vision to target their prey....just like humans.

    while prey animals generally have their eyes on the side so they can see nearly all the way around.

  • eyeslice

    Phineas T. Barnum was a legendary figure of the 19th century who was known for his great showmanship, including the Barnum & Bailey Circus.

    At one point in time, P.T. Barnum had an exhibition of fierce jungle cats, and all of them lying down together with a single lamb. In a way, it was kind of a preview of the fulfillment of the passage from Isaiah.

    When asked how it worked out, Barnum said it was fine, as long as he didn't run out of lambs.


  • GetBusyLiving

    LMAO eyeslice!

    :True, those who believe that man and animals evolved over a period of millions of years might not accept this, but it is what the Word of God says, and Jesus Christ said, "Your word is truth."

    LOL. Discussion closed. These guys believe the absolute craziest ass shit imaginable then shun people who figure it out for not believing it. What a bunch of simpletons.


  • jimakazi

    I love the "wise" answers to the questions from readers that Blondie posted. I remember my mother telling me when I rasied such questions that I thought too much, and as I dared question the teachings of the JW's that I was actually questioning Jehovah.

    I have no problem with that - "hey big guy, Jehovah, why do the JW's manintain all your wonderful creations like sharks [OK some are not so wonderfull] and the land based preditors all ate grass once, and will eat grass again"? may be he can post on this forum seeing as direction via the holy spriti seems pretty ineffectiver these days.

    A couple of further interesting points:

    [1] Basically the 1st Q from readers answer bascially proves the Noahs ark story to be an impossibility - food, and sewerage being 2 very big issues.

    [2] And if animals ate grass early on why does the fossil record not support this, T-Rex for instance did not have the mechanisms for effectively processing vegetation, he could however do the meat thing pretty well.

    [3] I have heard them go on about how wonderfully Jehovah made the entire ecosystem, it's basically completely interlocked, and mans interference is screwing it up. The ecosystem replies on soem fish eating single celled plankton, and other fish eating them, with great whites at the top of the food chain - thats right there is a food chain. So are we to believe that all these complex systems wre put in place following the flood, damn the big guy must have been busy. Maybe he wore himself out which is why armagedon is taking so long???

    Dudes and dudettes; we have it in our power to really really mess with the heads of any poor JW that come across our paths - bring it on!

  • kittyeatzjdubs

    if jehomah doesn't get me for apostasy, he'll surely zap me dead when i bite the head off of a live chicken in paradise.

    luv, jojo (of the i wanna pork chop class)

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