I really appreciate this thread, but want to ask, just how should we act when leaving? Apart from my daughter (who found out my position on the WT Society from documents she found in my computer) none of my family or friends knows. Are you suggesting I keep my mouth shut? Don't say anything about what I've discovered?
Up till now that's what I've done, but soon the questions will start coming. Just how far do you take this closed-mouth approach? In what other area of life does a person keep from sharing something this important with those closest to him or her?
Panda and Netty.....what the heck you two still doin up at this hour? You guys are drinkin again.....aren't ya?
Panda, wer'e busted, again.
Yea, Gumby, I wonder what his side of the story is. You know how the witnesses have to paint such a terrible pictue of those who leave. Good luck with your friend.
Rod.... I told ya I wasn't really a mean bastard before dammit! Seriously...thanks for your story. You was a dumbass like I was and believed in a forced truth a second time around......but I still think yer dummer than me.
Confession....if a person exiting the Organisation can hold off speaking negatively about it to other witnesses....UNTIL they learn some pointers from those who have been through it and how to approach it, they'll be much better off. That doesn't always happen as was in my case. I learned on my own through a book that exposed truths that were easily identifiable.
I had nobody after that as I didn't discover forums untill later. All I knew was to speak about what I knew to my wife. Had I discovered a forum first, I woulda been the sneakiest bastard on the planet as to how I would have approached things and exposed the Organisation without doing it in anger. Maybe not too. Sometimes you think you can keep your cool and things just roll off ye ol' tongue.
MegaDude......quite the story..... ya big mean scary bastard! I prolly woulda peed on myself if you woulda yelled anti-dub stuff at me if'n I was a dub.
Seriously bro......I think many of us would have done things a bit different if we would have had the knowledge you unfortunately can't completely have until you live through exiting and suffering from it's consequences. Thanks for your story.
Gumbastard; no but I am one fine annoying biatch, oh-kayyy?
I left when I was too young to be convincing to all those elderssuperiors arrogant arseholes. Instead, everyone sent me letters and publications trying to prove my reasoning wrong.
Nowadays, I only talk about my experiences to those who ask ... or if I'm around a fellow apostate and I'm bitching reminiscing about the past?
Nah, i stick to my pussy....cat"
I guess double-meaning jokey comments aren't as smutty as discussing orgasms eh???
"Your the first I've ever heard to say there's such a thing as a discusting Orgasm little missy. If it was that discusting......you couldn't have one of the damn things! I've heard there's weak ones.....but never discustin". .................... *said like Gomer Pyle*
Heh, I'm an irritating bastard but not about the JWs.
After I left, the only time I ever spoke to my folks about the JWs was when they brought it up--which was every trip home. I remained calm even though they would foam at the mouth. I knew that if they really believed it was the truth, they would have been less emotional about it and not so quick to push it down my throat. No matter what they said or did, I remained kind to them.
Eventually my kindness paid off. They saw the truth about "the truth" for themselves. They are borg free for about 2 years now.
Bisous........I never discuss such things unless I and the discusser have a couple shots of good tequila first. You got any Cabo Wabo handy
Robdar......I can't believe you never went off on your folks. Heck....you've chewed me out before and I hardly was even rude. If you weren't so cute in your avatar....I'd be way meaner to ya.