Well, you learn something new every day. "Salto mortale" refers to standing a car straight up and driving through it with another car. Here is an illustration: http://www.stuntteam.nl/en_animatie/en_saltomortale.html
I really would have liked seeing Judas pull this off. Of course, he would have had to use donkeys, which spoils the effect somewhat.
The Atheist's Book of Bible Stories - Ch. 4 - Kill 'Em Again, God
by RunningMan 13 Replies latest watchtower bible
"Salto mortale" has been longer around than cars that's for sure! It means 'twist/turn of death' literary in Italian I believe. Usually it refers to a mid air revolvement of the body around its own axis. Sorta like a roll in the air as performed in the circus by the trapezium artists. Anyway I meant something like that... nothing to do with cars.. but sounds spectacular anyway... If Judas used donkeys I applaud him
I stand corrected!
There’s nothing that the Bible likes better than a good, old fashioned, smiting. In fact, the Bible writers liked killing so much, that sometimes, they couldn’t restrain themselves from killing the same people several times.