After thinking a lot about it, I just felt I had to at least try something to make the local JWs open their eyes. I know it is most unlikely that any of them will even consider reading all of what I will send, but here's the plan:
I've got a list of all their addresses (that I kept from before). So I want to send an anonymous letter to each household, a very short one, with eye-catching sentences and questions that forces to pose and think. I will provide email links for good anti-JW sites that are not "threatening". And some titles to read, like "Crisis of Conscience". Now all I need is ideas as to what exactly to include...they're are so many things, but kind of long to explain...any suggestions?
I know I would not be one to go picket at assemblies, but I'm very determined to put time and money into this, if it can help even one person.