Covert Field Service tactic

by doinmypart 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • doinmypart

    Here's an idea I thought of for those of us still associated with the JWs and going in field service:
    1. Write the URL to this site, Quotes, silentlambs, etc. on Post-It notes (little yellow sticky papers).
    2. Put the Post-It notes inside the folded portion of a tract, or first page of WT magazine.
    3. Leave the tract or magazine at Not-At-Homes.

    In the chance the householder peruses the litter-ature rather than trash it, they will see the note and possibly visit the referenced website. This tactic will work even if you're going door-to-door with another publisher. This covert anti-Witness might make it worth going to the doors.

    What do you think? Any other ideas?

  • love2Bworldly

    I love your sneaky ideas! I made up my own tracts and left a couple on the Public transportation this week. I don't know why I feel like I have to sneak and do it, I guess because I don't want to run into anyone who is sympathetic to the JWs.

  • ezekiel3

    Thanks for easing my conscience. I am going to start pioneering now!

  • doinmypart

    love2b - Good job on creating and distributing your own tracts. Advertise, Advertise, Advertise!

    ezekiel3 - I can't believe I actually pioneered years ago. What a monumental waste of time, slaving away for the WTS!


    Still looking for other ideas. Or if you still go in FS and want to try this idea why not post here and let the WTS monitors know.

    The idea is simple enough. One or two URLs to specific websites. If you're trapped in the Org and/or your family members drag you into FS you may as well make the time really count.

  • blondie

    I you have distinctive handwriting I might print out the info. I can see a householder callilng the KH to find out what the post-its mean.

  • TooOpinionated

    This might work, but my family would never even open the magazines, just pitched them. They only took them to be polite. They would never had seen your message. But hey, that's just MY family.

  • TheListener

    Better yet, color photocopy the tract so you can have a totally blank inside. Then write a nice little anti-witnessing paragraph or two on the inside. Maybe it could say "help me, I'm stuck inside the kh and can't get out."

    I go out in service still. I refuse to direct anyone to the organization though. I only encourage reading the bible. This is awkward when going in service with someone other than my mate. So far between not at homes and driving to and from territory it's worked out ok.

    Soon, soon, soon my madness will end.

  • BlackSwan of Memphis
    BlackSwan of Memphis

    Really good idea.

    I am not sure what messege you would like to get out there, but you could always go to for some downloadable material.

    Try this link:

    He has a few things available.


  • doinmypart

    Blondie - I thought about that too. I figured if the householder actually would go through the effort of calling the KH it would be worthwhile, because it got the householder thinking. Might even get the elder receiving the call a pause.

    TooOpinionated - My non-JW family doesn't read the material, for that matter most of my JW family doesn't read the material. I imagine of the few that accept literature, even fewer actually read it. But if they decide to look inside the material, a yellow sticky with "" could rouse their interest.

    Listener - I like that idea. I have occasional access to a color copier. Though the quality won't be as good it will be good enough to pass. I think I'll try this. I too still go in field service, I only read a scripture and talk about trivial things. Because my conversations are pretty good and I read a scripture I've been able to do this w/o raising eyebrows even with the CO. I haven't placed litter-ature in a couple of years (though my FS report still shows me every month as a model JW).

    BlackSwan - Thanks for the info, I've read it before. My idea isn't overly involved. A lot of publishers around here have sticky notes in their Bible to remind them of scriptures, presentations, etc. I think putting a sticky note with "" written on it, inside a WT tract or magazine would be a good counter witness.

  • sonnyboy

    Just tell them that you're there for their children.

    That'll keep them away from the Jehovers.

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