I have to say - in that picture of Carey Barber (dressed for his own funeral) - the thing that strikes ME is the two lads - makes me sad - see their expressions?
** Carey Barber, GB Member approaches 100. **
by truthseeker 55 Replies latest jw friends
Yeah that really disgusts me too. JW's can't celebrate anything that elevates people or puts them on a pedestal. So what do they do? They make celebrities of people like this. Who said the greatest would be the servant. When has any member of th GB ever served the rank and file? They've lived an exaulted life and loved it too. Watchtower super stars...pathetic old men
With all these old guys at deaths door, they should never let their pictures be taken, as it instills no confidence in thier ability to guide the organization, especially if your 100 or 94 and can't even feed yourself.
Carey Barber (and others) may have problems feeding themselves and using the bathroom but they have no problem telling others to flush their lives down the toilet.
I remember being about 11 yrs old at the Norval assembly hall in ontario and meeting Fred Franz. He must have been well into his 90s and was nearly totally blind. I was waiting backstage for some gawd-awful symposium I was going to be in and Fred had just finished his bombastic Goebbels speech, and I remember all the adults I was with being so excited that this crotchety old guy (the Simpsons Mr Burns would be the most appropriate comparison) was up on stage, speaking without notes and the possibility that he would brush past them backstage....it really was a cult of celebrity for this guy, incredible.
I'll cover any 3-1 on Barber dead by Xmas. Hell, with Jason's predictions in full swing (55555555), that should be a cake walk.