Ain't Karma Grand?

by Low-Key Lysmith 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dustin

    All I have to say is serves the prick right.

  • avishai

    Well, since he was convicted, I'm sure it's ok to post his name on here!! Go for it, low key!!

  • EvilForce

    Karma is the universal may cheat her for awhile...but she will find you and exact her revenge. I'm sure he'll be a good "jail house convert" for the Dubs. It's funny how the most judgemental, arrogant pricks always get their's in the end isn't it?

  • Whiskeyjack

    It's good to know there some real justice out there now and again.


  • Mary
    When I was a kid in the Cong, this guy was the most opiniated, judgemental, hateful asshole I have ever known. I feel to some extent that justice has been served. May you rot in hell you miserable bastard.

    Amen the slimy prick still in prison?? If he is, you should go visit him and tell him that you're in the process of making sure his fellow inmates are told that he's really in prison for being a child molester and you hope he has life insurance. Then to really piss him off, I'd tell him that you got reinstated and are going to be made an elder.

  • LouBelle

    That is why the golden rule is do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Just in case Karma comes to bite you in the'd like it to be a love bite not a flesh tearing one.

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