I originally decided to disassociate in January, 1994, due to my sexual orientation. However, I still believed "lock, stock, and barrel" all of the JW teachings [except I believed that there must be a problem regarding the teachings on homosexuality]. So, rather than start leading "a double life", or "bring shame upon Jehovah", I decided to disassociate while still celibate. The elders "encouraged" me to think it over. So, I held off disassociating for a while.
Shortly after I made this decision, I came in contact with an ex-JW sister. She told me about Ray Franz's books. I got "Crisis of Conscience" and "In Search of Christian Freedom". I remember when I first picked up "Crisis". I was so afraid to open the cover. After all, this was "apostate" literature. Then, I thought to myself "if what he brings forth are lies, I can easily disprove them against "The Truth". If he comes across as the Watchtower said all apostates were, i.e., "full of hatred and venomous lies", that too would show me that the book couldn't be trusted.
So, I started reading it. WOW!!! I couldn't stop. I kept reading several pages a day. I suddenly realized "even if I were straight, I wouldn't stay in this Organization." There was none of the hate that the WTBTS said would be there, all of the information was backed up, and from personal experience having been an elder at one time, it "rang true".
Yes, the book was one of several factors that helped me to send in my letter of disassociation with "a clean conscience", turning my back on the Organization, KNOWING that it WAS NOT God's Organization on Earth.