I have a twisted set of priorities as my wife should come first, we, however operate on such different levels of relations that my life as well as its priorities are somewhat compartmentalized as to levels of importance.
Here however goes the short list.
Wanting to make peace with the Almighty before I'm required to leave this planet.
Trying to be certain that mother has an exit out of this life as is comfortable as can be had. I've purchased her funeral and am making myself avaialable to her, within reason. As she's gotten into her Autumn years, I try to be certain that she knows that she's continued to be loved and cared for, not that she's merely tolerated or just watched in an effort to have been babysitted.
Keeping my wife out of the line of fire from the horrors of raising children without a clue as to how it needs to be done. Unfortunately for her, I'm a staunch conservative when it comes to dealing with children and I don't have a lot of regard for them when they are allowed to run out of control. So I'm viewed as a bitter, controlling, angry, intollerant som'bitch. Children are in need of a firm hand in guiding them in this world, parent first, friend last. We've struggled over these issues and the end results have brought about some pretty destructive energy between us, but more importantly in the lives of the children. All of which are my stepchildren, so it's a pretty complex process, that and the fact that I'm not at least among a family of used to be witnesses. I married outside of the truth. The destructive capability of that energy can be phenomenal.