I'm thinking about getting a TATTOO?!

by Frog 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • tetrapod.sapien


    IMO, i wouldn't do it. i am not initially attracted to women with tattoos (romantically). there has to be other guys like me out there. plus, there is a high probability you will some day regret it, as it's like a hair cut you would have to live with for the rest of your life. i thought my haircut when i was 21 was cool. now i think it's retarded. i'm glad i didn't get a tattoo.

    good luck!


  • Terry

    I guess I'll never understand how putting grafitti on your flesh is in any way cool.

    I see grafitti on bathroom stalls, under bridges and on convicts and primitive tribesmen in third world countries and scratch my head at "why?"

    Is it a tribe mentality? After all, millions of people now do it and there is nothing at all "special"

    about it.

    The art work is so predictible too.

    Smoking was this way for decades. Everybody was doing it and it was officially declared "cool".

    As long as older foks (that would be me) make noises of disapproval it will have its purpose, I assume. But, paying some freakazoid to squirt ink under your skin for money just seems to shout "PLEASE NOTICE ME!!" in such a desperate tone; I shudder at the real source of the need.

    I also think of the time I sat in a truck stop on my way through Arizona on my way to California.

    A woman came in and sat down on the barstool to order a coke and pack of cigarettes. I could tell she was once quite stunning looking. However, the sun and the cigarettes had eaten her skin into crinkled parchment and her arms looked like giant stool samples with little tatoo images etched in faded ink all over them.

    She looked like a spent nickel... all used up and SO NO LONGER anything you could look at without feeling your breakfast surge to the surface.......I wondered why she had given so little thought to the last half of her life. Why do all the damage early on and then live with those ugly consequences???

    It just doesn't make sense.

  • foreword

    Before you get one, find an old person that has had a tattoo for decades, you'll see what I mean. You will get old and it will look like shit then. The colors fade and it simply does not look good once your skin ages and is all wrinkly.

  • Elsewhere

    How about on your side on your hip?

    Do you want it visible when you are wearing a bathing suit?

  • Elsewhere
    Before you get one, find an old person that has had a tattoo for decades, you'll see what I mean. You will get old and it will look like shit then. The colors fade and it simply does not look good once your skin ages and is all wrinkly.

    That is called the Butterfly - Terradactyl Effect.

  • delilah

    I say, go for it Frog...especially the frog tattoo...it means something..Tattoos are pretty much permanent, unless you want to spend thousands to have the meaningless ones removed later on...my husband has had a few tatt's that he is ashamed of...I will get one soon, my first...something celtic, knotwork or something, ties in with my roots.....my daughter has three, very nice tattoos that she designed, all done in black...the place you put them is also important....so think it thru thoroughly...then do it!!!! and show us the pics....

    Delilah...(Crazyblondeb, we're never too old, hahahaha)

  • xjwms

    I wanted a tattoo

    It was of a beautiful womans face


    I wanted it on my wifes face.

    (I can't believe I am posting this)

  • whyamihere

    I wanted a tattoo

    It was of a beautiful womans face


    I wanted it on my wifes face.

    (I can't believe I am posting this)

    OMG that is SO FUNNY...LMAO! You should get one if you want to...Just make sure you spell everything right or you are not drunk when you get it!

    I may get one! Would I look good with a Tattoo?

    I think my husband and Dad(both ex JW's) would be PISSED! I may do it! I will take my Mumsy with me if and when I do! Maybe for my 25th B-day? Ha ha ha!


  • GetBusyLiving

    I find tattoo's really hot on woman, if its the right tattoo and not some lame ass ghekko or something . Just make sure you know what you want before you go in there.. and don't rush it. Wait'll you see something that inspires you.


  • IronGland

    tatoo some of these on your body. That way at least you're 'keepin it real'.

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