COC: When Free?

by MadApostate 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • MadApostate

    I have seen COC posted on the internet in German, and possibly in at least one other foreign language.

    COC has been out in English for 18 years. I obviously don't know any of the particulars regarding Ray's financial needs, his deal with the publisher, or the annual sales.

    However, I would like to make an appeal to the various interested parties that COC be posted on the internet. Surely there are other parties interested enough, with financial resources to compensate Ray equal to his annual income from the sale of COC. I would also hope the publisher would give up whatever rights they hold.

    I believe that many, many JWs who would never take a chance ordering the book would access COC if they could do so anonymously via the net.

  • Billygoat

    I ordered mine kind of "anonymously" through Nobody would have known about it. Do you think that is still scary to most JW's??? Just curious...


  • Mommie Dark
    Mommie Dark

    This won't happen. I emailed the publishers with some questions a while back, and received a really really snotty reply telling me basically that the Internet if of no interest to them at all. They told me that they have no intention of giving it away for free, and anyone that does more than quote under the fair usage guidelines will be prosecuted. If you don't want to buy the book tough tit, it isn't going to be online ever. They just don't care about the 'many many JWs' who might benefit from being able to read it anonymously.

    If it's important to you for more people to read CofC you could donate a copy to your local library. The publishers are definitely not interested in anything but their bottom line.

  • blondie

    Why should Ray Franz be aced out of his royalties? The book is not that expensive and can be purchased anonymously through and several used book stores online. For a man that was asked to leave Bethel after giving years of his life freely, without any retirement either from the WT or from the US government deserves whatever little money he gets from the sale of his books.

    Post it online...but make people have to pay for it just like IRL books.

  • sf

    Two words: charitable donation.


  • MadApostate

    Re: Amazon/Online Retailers. Purchasing from such is not Anon. Your CC record is in their files, plus the purchase is on your monthly statement. JWs must work for these businesses, and could easily misuse their systems to see who is ordering COC and other books. Then, there is the possibility of the spouse or kids getting their hands on it when it is delivered.

    Re: The Publisher (Commentary Press) Who are these people, and how did Ray connect with them if they are only interested in MONEY???

    BLOND: As I indicated, I was not expecting Ray to take any loss in the deal. I am hoping someone with BUCKS would make annual payments equal to his royalties. (I doubt that annual sales are really that great.)

  • blondie

    If it is not anonymous that way then get someone to front for you. I doubt that there are that many JWs that are "loyal" enough to risk their jobs. I know a JW that has access to medical information that could have led to judicial actions against several people but wimped out because of fear of losing their job...

    If someone wants to read it that bad, why not have someone on this board loan out their copy....I've seen it done.

    Just a thought...

  • TweetieBird

    Or do what I did, go to the bookstore and order under an anonymous name. Then when you are finished, donate to the public library. If you have the x-tra money, buy a copy for one or two libraries in your area. If anyone in the congregation is having doubts, I'm sure they would head for the library for research.

  • larc


    Commentary Press is Ray Franz. The man was thrown out at the age of 60 with no retirement income. He had to work as a grocery clerk for awhile. I wish he would double the price of his book and live out the rest of his life in comfort. Since he is in his 80's now, I think he deserves that.

  • MadApostate


    Thanks for the info that RF and CP are one in the same.

    However, I don't know how to make it any clearer that I am aware of his financial predicament after leaving Bethel, and I never expected him to take any financial hit in making COC public.

    Actually, your info would seem to indicate that he must be doing reasonably well now, although I have no doubt that there were probably some lean years.

    Thanks again.

    PS: This news makes the reply MommieDark received very interesting???????

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