Those Mormon beliefs are even harder to swallow than the JWs. At least the JDumbers pretend to follow the Bible somewhat, the Mormons had to make up their own. Have you ever tried bringing a NIV, KJV or HCSB to a JW sales meeting after you joined the club?
Is Joseph Smiths's tophat kept in some sacred place in Salt Lake City?
by IronGland 12 Replies latest jw friends
Double Edge
Irongland - I've noticed your quite vitriolic against the LDS did we wrong you in a past life -
I was thinking the same thing.... hmmmm... give me my LDS friends anytime over my JW friend. The dub hasn't talked to me in a couple of months, since I asked some fairly pointed questions about their religion .... (I'm worldly...hehe) my morman friends never talk religion and are cool ...
I quit!
Here is the true story of what happened to the tophat as told to me by a reliable drunk at a bar one night in Park City who said he would tell me if I kept the drinks coming. The hat was stolen by a group of gentiles passing thru Utah in the 19th century. When the Mormon realized they had taken the hat they went after them causing the famous Mountain Meadows Massacre. Once they had it back in their possession they decided they would need a safe place to hide it so they built Saltair amusement park and hid it under the fun house. You can catch a glimpse of it in original version of the movie Carnival of Souls filmed at Saltair. When Saltair closed down they move it to the basement of the ZCMI department store across from the temple. The gentiles wanted to recapture it so they bought the store under the name Meier & Poncho or something like that, now owned by May (or is it June) Dept stores. Macy's wanted to use it in their Thanksgiving Day Parade so they have talk their parent comany Frederated into buying May or June dept. stores in order to obtain the magic hat and keep it out of the hands of Walmart.
All of this as true as the next issue of the Watchtower magazine.