I was reading through a christian forum and there was a thread that someone had started speaking of the trinity. When i say trinity i mean the father, son, and holy ghost\spirit trinity. Anyrate, sose about a hundred or so post into that thread someone mentioned that jehovah's witnesses don't believe in the trinity. Is this true?
Question for Jehovah's witnesses?
by _stone_ 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
yes that is true
stone, welcome to the forum.Witnesses believe that the Father, Jehovah, created the Son, Michael (Jesus). Jesus is just another angel, though the only begotton son, first born, savior. The Holy Spirit is the Fathers active force, like his power, not a person.
Jesus is not worshiped in anyway. Only the father.
from what i understand of the trinity is that all things are created by one, but in by doing so the spirit of god is required, Jesus was created by god, even if some believe that god may have created himself in a human to save a creation, Then of course god is the creator, designer.
If you are told that you must believe the word of Jesus, what would this mean to you?
With the very greatest of respect (and I do mean that) it means you have to start thinking outside the box.
stone, first understand that most here including myself are ex-witnesses, although there are a number of current witnesses here some trying to leave and otherwise.
I cannot really answer the second part of that question because I no longer believe in the Judeo-Christian concepts of god. I can only tell you what witnesses believe, as I was one for 31 years
They believe that Jesus is not, never has been, never will be equal to the father. They believe that Jesus when on earth was not an incarnation of god but wholly and completely human. They give lip service to obedience to Jesus but in reality prefer the legalistic nature of the Law that Jesus suposedly freed christians from.
They do not believe in the personage of the Holy Spirit.
is it not written in the bible that jesus will be sitting next to the throne of god? I don't understand how you can confuse that jesus is equivalent to god, just being a human born places limits. Who would you say believes that jesus is the equivalent to god?
Do you guys believe in angels?
Who would you say believes that jesus is the equivalent to god?
Every christian ive ever talked to.
is it not written in the bible
Ya the bible says a lot of stuff.
JW's believe Jesus to be Michael the archangel, before he came to earth. Yes they believe in angels. They believe Satan is a fallen angel.
where do you get the idea that the archangel michael is jesus?
I'm a christian, have been as long as i can remember, i tell some that i was born a christian and they usually get their feathers all ruffled up too? I've never ever believed that Jesus is the equivalent to god, I believe that a god that can create a universe and all life anywhere, and in places that we are not aware can easily make a jewish girl pregnant just by speaking it. Do jw believe that god created the earth?
I'm not meaning to offend either, but you must know that i have seen and spoken with many angels, although they do not answer my questions, i have been told that i must believe the word of jesus, it was also at a time when i was asking many questions about hindu's, buddhist, muslims, etc... because they all believe in good and are peaceful at heart. So i asked why must they all die, and the same for the homo's and such, my answer was that i must believe the word of jesus. Now i am no religious guru or freak or anything like that, it's just i've seen some things that people don't believe. Anyway, so i've recently finished reading the bible, i think it took about 2 months, but i now know what that means as far as the context it was given. It was written that early christianity, as it spread began to mix in pagan beliefs with the teachings of jesus, but that was quickly put to an end, but now today, there are no true prophets and no disciples of jesus to put everyone on the correct path, at least there isn't yet.