Comments You Will Not Hear at the 6-26-05 WT Study (God's Ways)

by blondie 17 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • VM44

    Is the Watchtower the one continually beating their fellow slaves with the "authority" stick? --VM44

  • heathen

    Obviously so VM. All of christianity that doesn't obey thier every judicial decree are considered apostate and evil , according to them .It doesn't seem to matter whether they were right to begin with either . They love to blame the R&F for not working hard enough and peddling magaizes to raise money . The fact that they've been wrong so many times doesn't seem to even phase them when it comes to critiquing the members . They might as well come out and say the master is delaying and it's time to beat people up , emotionally that is . Of course I don't think anybody would take a physical beating from the old fruit cakes .

  • Blueblades

    Enjoy yourself Blondie! Thanks much. Even a mule gets better respect than the rank and file.

    Reminds me of the story about a horse pulling an ice wagon back in the day. The owner ( wtbts ) yells out " Who wants ice" the horse ( rank and file ) is pulling the wagon. A lady up the hill calls the iceman ( wbts. ) youhoo! I need some ice for my icebox! The iceman brings her the ice. Meanwhile, as a man passes the horse ( rank and file ) the horse says " man am I tired". The man turns around and looks at the horse and says " your a talking horse", and the horse says yeah, and I'm so tired. The man says why? the horse says, the iceman don't refresh me after all the work I do, he feeds me every other day, I get no blanket or shelter from the rain, cold or heat, the man says "Don't the iceman ( wbts.) know you can talk". The horse responds, " Heck no! and don't you tell him, or, he will have me YELLING," ICE! WHO WANTS ICE!"

    The moral of the story is, if the wbts can get you to do more, they will work you to exhaustion without any refreshments for your hard work. So, any talents you have, you better keep it to yourself or end up like that horse.

    The Watchtower is still yelling ice and the rank and file are still pulling the wagon.


  • jgnat

    Here's my bible-antidote for this week's lesson:

    Watch your language around a King. It's true. He can just as easily lop your head off as give you a promotion. (Genesis 40:20-22, Proverbs 16:14) Nevertheless, there are brave people through bible history who spoke up about injustice. They lived to tell the tale, too.

    2 Samuel 21:1-15 Nathan told David, God's chosen King, that he had done wrong. He didn't "wait on Jehovah" to right the injustice.

    Esther 7:2-4 Esther meekly explained to

    Ahasuerus that the King's top advisor had marked her people for destruction. Watch those "trusted" advisors!

    1 Samuel 14:24-30, 38-45 Johnathan used his own common sense (independent thinking), ate when he wasn't supposed to, risking his father's wrath and divine judgement. The people intervened, and he was spared.

    Matthew 21:12-16, Mark 11:15-18, Luke 19:45-47 Even Jesus rebelled violently against the divinely appointed leadership of his day.

  • Panda

    So these horrid pagan Egyptians who allowed a bunch of nomads to live with them had laws against murder! Who'd a thunk it. And Jah's people just went around slaughtering people they felt were ... I don't know...ingracious? I'd say that Moses was an upstart and an Egyptian magician. This was an obvious form of training which came in handy. As a royal Prince couldn't he have killed anyone he pleased --- oh no that's right they had laws against murder.

    Blondie you always amaze me that you can go to meetings and not strangle someone ... As one of Jah's people it would be ok, really.

  • blondie
    you better not question our teachings or we'll pull the old rebellious Israelite story on ya again .

    Hi heathen, this is very true that the WTS reaches back into the Hebrew scriptures to teach people how to serve Jehovah not how to be Christians.

    Does their authority stem from the Law or from Christ?

    Whose footsteps should we be following Moses or Christ?

    Thanks, yesidid,

    Your reports continue to blow me away.

    Coming from your vantage point I appreciate that.

    Hi julia71,

    And not recognizing this authority means certain death.

    The saddest thing is that they usurp Christ’s authority and our responsibility to get to know Christ as head of the congregation. JWs always have to be spoon fed by the WTS not being able to go straight to the scriptures which are the true basis of Christian teaching, not WT publications.

    Well, Elsewhere, I’ll have to bow to your experience.

    Sounds like the title of soft porn on cable.

    I know nothing about such things.


    interprets and teaches, through Christ the Chief Servant, who in turn uses the discreet slave as the visible channel, the visible theocratic organization.

    The sad thing is that so many JWs are ignorant of what the Bible really says having only read the scriptures emphasized by the WTS, not having time to check all the scriptures cited to see that they don’t support the WTS statement, not accepting anything unless it is in a publication forgetting that the most important publication is the Bible itself.


    Good points, Gary. Maybe they count the same way the WTS does.

    Good quote, Scully,

    That is probably when I reached a point in my counseling regarding my sexual abuse, I made the application then to the spiritual abuse at the KH.

    If you are not permitted to think for yourself, to question, you

    stop your spiritual growth


    Have a very safe drive for the weekend.

    Will we see you next weekend?

    Hey VM

    Is the Watchtower the one continually beating their fellow slaves with the "authority" stick? --VM44

    Yes, and the beatings will continue until the morale improves.

    Yes, the rank and file and not being very obedient. Godly Obedience conventions all summer and into the fall and of course all over the world until next spring. Many JWs are passive-aggressive, giving lip service to what the WTS says but in their actions, by lowering meeting attendance and field service hours (phantom), showing they are tired and wondering when relief will come. For almost 130 years the WTS has been saying the end is coming soon. The great-grandchildren and great-great-grandchilden of some of those in Russell’s day are still saying SOON.

    So true, Blueblades,

    Those in the generation 20 years ahead of me are worried that they won’t live through the great tribulation. That they have given up having a family and now never will be able to have a child. They they have given up on marriage thinking they would find a suitable one in the new system, now to only realize they will never marry.

    Jgnat, I told my hubbie you get an A+ this week for this information

    Nevertheless, there are brave people through bible history who spoke up about injustice. They lived to tell the tale, too.

    2 Samuel 21:1-15 Nathan told David, God's chosen King, that he had done wrong. He didn't "wait on Jehovah" to right the injustice.
    Esther 7:2-4 Esther meekly explained to Ahasuerus that the King's top advisor had marked her people for destruction. Watch those "trusted" advisors!
    1 Samuel 14:24-30, 38-45 Johnathan used his own common sense (independent thinking), ate when he wasn't supposed to, risking his father's wrath and divine judgement. The people intervened, and he was spared.
    Matthew 21:12-16, Mark 11:15-18, Luke 19:45-47 Even Jesus rebelled violently against the divinely appointed leadership of his day.

    And remember that Paul spoke up and corrected Peter for not associating with the Gentile Christians, and in front of the whole congregation.

    Hey, Panda,

    Blondie you always amaze me that you can go to meetings and not strangle someone

    You can feel better; haven’t been to any meetings for 3 years. But I do this review for people who do and have family that still do. If I were still attending, I’d be back in the ladies room with the sound turned off and the water running to drown out the sound.

    Free at last, free at last


  • stillajwexelder

    cant comment - I am not going to the meeting this morning

  • blondie

    No excuse. I don't go.

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