JWs are equal-opportunity haters. Most also feel that the only good white person is a JW ...
How many times have you heard this ...
`S/he is really honest/nice/good, for a worldly person.`
by minimus 49 Replies latest jw friends
JWs are equal-opportunity haters. Most also feel that the only good white person is a JW ...
How many times have you heard this ...
`S/he is really honest/nice/good, for a worldly person.`
well this has been said to me by a jw in a chatroom:
"i'm not racist but I dont socialize with black people but I did go out in field service with a black sister and she is very nice"
They used to teach God was a racist, didn't they? After the flood...
They published some pretty racist satements many years ago, about coloureds made good servants. And was it as late as 1970 before they did away with al segregation in the south? And what about how the faithful coloured folks would be turned white (perfection?) after armageddon? Just stuff I've read, but it may be inaccurate.
The one I study with is very anti-semitic, but then again he's anti everyone.
White JWs down south are in the Klan
That's a lie you carpet baggin' JEW.
Our book study is at a black couples home. They are very nice, and I think they are good people. However, An older white sister refuses to go to their home because "it smells of collards"...
I think the racists are still in the society. The Apostates, for the most part, are open minded. I ask: why would someone who condones homosexuality and radical views be racist? It doesnt make sense.
White JWs down south are in the KlanThat's a lie you carpet baggin' JEW.
Okay, let`s sit back and take a breath, folks. Mini, I know you are being tongue-in-cheek, but obviously not all folks read you the same.
FairMind, that is racist talk, using an ethnic group as a slur. And just as bad as the `N` word.
Step away from the keyboard !
"Apostacy----A Racist Movement" by SlimBoyFat, a silly thread is the reason I put this stupid thread out. I believe anyone that understands the "joke" will see the humor.
Collards?! Oh my lord, collards, that is food of the gods...silly woman.
I have a "betterer" question:
Yo Pole, I "no" how to spelt betterer.