The genetic manipulation thread got me thinking about this: As the times change, there will no doubt be more and more things the WTS frowns upon, and these might be phrased in the YPA format similar to a list such as "You might be a redneck Jedi if ..." So how about it? I can't think of much now, but one elder once expressed that he didn't want his daughter to have a CD player. It doesn't have to be technological, there's the social stuff... I know some of this has been done before so lets put it all in one thread!
Young People Ask...
by Markfromcali 33 Replies latest social humour
I don't really understand what your getting at...
Well I guess it's much better to have an actual article than just the subject title.. Could be anything though - Young People Ask... What about BDSM? Young People Ask ... What about brain implants? (non-WTS ones of course)
Young People Ask:
Is The Backlight on My iPod demonized?
Do I HAVE to Eat my Vegetables?
Is eMail appropriate for True Christians?
Is Laughter the Best Medicine?
Will Christopher Reeves be Resurrected?
Are Super Heroes Really just Demons?
Michael Jackson - The Most Famous JW Child Molester?
Cosmology - More Offensive than Evolution
GM Questions Young People Ask ...
Why does this apple look so good, yet tastes so mealy?
Why do all women have such large breasts?
How come all the potato crops were wiped out last year by one virus?
Why can`t we go salmon fishing anymore?
Were there always so many people with blonde hair and blue eyes?
Young People Ask:
What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?
"What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?" - African or European?
Young People Ask:
Why Are The Kids At School Always Shoving My Head Down The Toilet?
Is That A Pimple On My Neck Or A Satanic Goiter?
What If I'm Full Blown Masturbating Just As Armageddon Strikes?
Will someone visiting pornographic websites survive armageddon?
How can we persuade our fellow pupils to stop being a sex crazed lot and embrace the truth?
How can we avoid the satanic temptations of the flesh when on a beach that's full of pretty girls in bikinis?