are the Rosicrucian's another cult?
I'm considering applying to their Order. this time I wanna do some homework but they are a secrect society very quiet and unscandalish.
What do you think
I hope the end is less painfull than life.
by sennabrasil94 11 Replies latest jw friends
are the Rosicrucian's another cult?
I'm considering applying to their Order. this time I wanna do some homework but they are a secrect society very quiet and unscandalish.
What do you think
I hope the end is less painfull than life.
Here's what seems to be their official website.
I believe there are quite a few different Rosicrucian Orders out there and that they tend to have a very structured and strong leadership that watches over it's members closely.(If you know what I mean)
So if you do contact them, please try to get as much info from them about their rules and regulations before you commit to anything.
Keep your eyes open.
Your Friend
Here's another site:
We do not propose a belief system, nor a dogmatic decree, but a personal, practical approach to living that each student must learn and master through their own experiences.
you must master there approach to living.
you said "secrect society", there is no good secrect society.
plese take care with these cult members
You may be interested in this:
"In some ways the secret society of the Rosicrucians is similar to the Gnostic sects that flourished during the second century C.E. and were a rival of Christianity. The Gnostics believed that salvation comes through mystical knowledge and that such secret wisdom is bestowed upon only the select few. But is knowledge of God for the elite few? Is it restricted to a small group of initiated ones?" Awake! November 8, 1988, page 18
Ironic isn't it that quote "is knowledge of God for the elite few"? !
And there's more!
"Also, the prospect is held out to the inquirer that he can get all this information without too much time and effort, merely an hour or an hour and a half a week, and that no higher education is required. But when he checks deeper into this Amorc Rosicrucianism, he finds that what is vital is a “psychic idiosyncracy,” and “that the student who enters upon the study of the science in this life for the first time cannot expect to become an exponent of the technique in the same life.”" The Watchtower June 15, 1963, page 380
Hope you like that!
BTW keep away from the Rosie people if you want to be a Christian.
"There are two ways of moving men, interest and fear" Napoleon
I did not realise the rosy cross people were still around. I came across them in reading about 18th Century Europe. There are a few references I could look up, but there's something in Mozarts Magic Flute: the flying machine in the final act is decorated with red roses, hmmm I forget the others. Mozart was a mason, not a Rosicrucian, but there are many similarities between the orders.
My advice is go the whole way, and join the Illuminati.
My advice is go the whole way, and join the Illuminati.
I have unsuccessfully been looking for application forms for a long time. Perhaps it's a "don't call us, we call you" policy?
Regarding Rosicrucians: An exJW and associate of mine here is indeed involved with them. He is well versed in history and not easily fooled. The esoteric "knowledge" he can get through this group obviously gives him something. He's a quite successfull musician. Rosicrucians place next to no lifestyle demands on him as near as I can tell, and doesn't seem to encourage him to do anything unethical, so I can't see how it can be classified as a "cult" (which is a rather meaningless term in this context anyway, but that is another issue).
- Jan
Faith, n. Belief without evidence in what is told by one who speaks without knowledge, of things without parallel. [Ambrose Bierce, The Devil´s Dictionary, 1911]
Just after I left Da Troof, I got ahold of some Rosicrucian publications from the library. I sat down one afternoon in the shade of the tree holding my swing, with the book and a Braunschweiger on Rye sandwich and began to read. I remember thinking, by contrast, how good the Braunschweiger was.
Terrible, terrible writing. I thought, "well, the JWs can at least get the subject and verb dancing together." Anything that could be supported by writing of that kind was not for me. So after fifty pages, I decided on agnosticism.
Where it is a duty to worship the Sun you can be sure that a study of the laws of heat is a crime.
I knew a fella once who joined the Rosicruscians. He forever after cut his onions top to bottom instead of across the middle. Really. He said the remaining onion half would stay fresher in his larder if he did so. He said he learned this from his secret studies.
Isn't it nice to know they teach such practical life skills?