okay neon,
i think i see what you are saying. it boils down, incidentally, to what you first started with (my fault):
I merely posited that a naturalistic view of the origin of the universe is also based on faith (i.e., speculation).
and i agree, that i cannot know any better than anyone else how the universe came into existence, therefore speculation is my game, as is yours. of course, to me, faith is the "F" word, so pardon my not wanting to be associated with it. YES, we cannot not know with 100% certainty origins.
my point, however, is really of the ability to determine probabilities. in nature and the universe, we can show with science that the large majority of processes and systems are running naturally. if they are running naturally, and we don't see god meddling in the processes and systems (ie: evolution), then is it not safe to say that the origins of those processes were also natural? of COURSE we cannot not know 100% for sure, but does the probability not seem to fall on the side of naturalism when viewed in this context? i mean, as we learn more and more about nature and universe, we find less and less of a space for god. so the logical extrapolation (and speculation, as you would note) is that the origin itself is also natural.
also, i could not conclusively rule out the possibility that we are the science experiment of a quantum conscious alien race. in which case, they would be God, AND natural catalysts. but there is not much evidence for them either, so the probability seems to fall again on the side of observable naturalism. this basically means: don't extrapolate more than you absolutely have to in order to determine the highest probability of reality.
some other thoughts:
The designer did not come into existence, but is eternal by nature.
it would seem to me that the number of assumptions required to explain the origin of a creator would be a set amount. however, the number required to explain how he could be infinite, would also be infinite. parsimony doesn't like that very much, and as a result, really does not help your argument.
but it seems to me that the burden then is yours to explain reasonably what did happen before you reject out of hand my explanation. And if I can't make faith based assumptions, neither can you.
of course. again however, this is really about probabilities of reality, or truth. you are right with what you say about speculation, and us being on equal footing there. do you not agree, then, that probabilities based on parsimony should really be used in a discussion like this? and if so, would not the argument that contains the fewest assumptions be the one that is most likely to have occurred?
But if you propose that the universe must have had a naturalistic origin and could not have had a supernatural origin, it seems to me that you are dipping into the speculative well.
oh yes, indeed. it's just that my speculative hypothesis has fewer assumptions than yours, since i have a lack of a god to explain, which would equal fewer assumptions no matter what post "creation" sequence we did agree upon.
You have characterized such a view as 'non-belief,' but in presupposing such a view, you are actually making a positive statement about the origin of the universe, which you presumably believe and think that others should, too. So 'non-belief' is not really an accurate description of your position, except to the extent that believing in position A on any subject requires non-belief in contradictory position B. Belief in A is still belief.
this is where your argument becomes false, i'm afraid. presupposition is distinguished from implication and entailment. your description of my argument here, is actually entailment. in order for this to be true:
except to the extent that believing in position A on any subject requires non-belief in contradictory position B
this has to be true:
Belief in A is still belief.
and yet it is not. a lack of belief is NOT belief. it is exactly what it describes itself as: a lack of belief. you assume that a lack of belief is a type of belief, or a positive position. it is like trying to explain the number zero by comparing it to another number, when zero does not exist in the first place. it's just a place holder. and so is lack of belief.
this is a lack of belief in god, of course. that is why any argument that comes after the word god, i reject until god can be proven to exist. ergo my reason for thinking, quite rationally, that the probability factor favours a natural origin over a super-natural one. so i am not really required to provide proof for natural origins, since it should be assumed that it was natural... until it can be shown to be otherwise.
BTW, it's been enjoyable debating with you,