What Would You Say...

by RichieRich 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • Netty
    Re: What Would You Say...

    I'd only have two words for them: BITE ME!

  • in a new york bethel minute
    in a new york bethel minute

    i'd ask them how many hours in service they got this month, and every month since they became a member of the governing body.

    i'd ask them what it's like to be the sole channel of communication from God to men

    i'd ask them if they've ever had a gay thought, and did they approach the elders about it

    i'd ask to see their living quarters

    i'd ask them if they are afraid of dying

    bethel minute

  • tetrapod.sapien

    i'd say:

    hello, my name is josh, and this is my friend richie. we're just calling on you and your neighbors here in columbia heights this morning, to leave them with a thought from Fred Titanich's Atheist's Book of Bible Stories.

    would you please read the following paragraph for us?:

    Now, take a look at the order of creation. Notice that the first thing that God created was light. That was a good idea. Unfortunately, he forgot to create the main light source for the earth – the sun. I assume he used giant heat lamps to make up for the oversight. Also notice that he made plants before he made the sun - mostly frozen vegetables, I suspect.

    so the question that goes along with paragraph is: "How did Jehovah manage to keep all the plants from dying without having created the sun yet?" --- that's right! heat lamps.

    what are your thoughts on this?

    we would like to come back next week at the same time to see what you thought of this publication.

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