What is wrong with you people!

by larc 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • larc

    Hello brothers and sisters,

    I just can't understand what is wrong with you, and why you have fallen away. Dear brother Russell got this whole thing started. He made a few mistakes, but you can't get it all right when you are just starting out. For example, he predicted the end of the world 25 years ahead of time. Well, he didn't get it right, so he figured out that something invisible happened.

    Now this thing about the King of the North and the King of the South. I think Russell thought one of them was Napoleon. Hey, times change and conditions change. Just because the Society can't figure out who these kings are, doesn't mean a thing. We are living in exciting times, and soon it will be revealed to us.

    I am so happy to be living in these wonderous times. I have been pioneering now for 122 years, and have enjoyed every minute of it!

    I just wish that you brothers and sisters would come back to the truth. Please don't let little things like pedophellia stumble you.

  • Roamingfeline

    Well, Brother Larc, whut 'bout my hoam I soled and the fakt that I never wint to skuul? Shudn't thar be SUM reewhard fer my total lac uv edumakashun?

    I mean Whar's our Pairadice?!?!? Huh?


  • jst2laws

    Hey larc,

    Interesting approach!


  • Tina

    Damn Bro Larc,

    Pioneering all those years!! Why if that just doesn't encourage all of us to dust of those ole bookbags,get ready to do the pioneer shuffle! (I wont mention ya look like 20 miles of bad road after all that walkin tho)
    Well north of me is burgerKing and south is Wanda's rib joint-so I know where and who! uh what's pedophilia? that got sumpin to do with shoes? Like the cat lady,I aint got much eddycayshun,,,why I been knockin on doors so long,they awarded me the splintered hand award at ole Beth L'.s mudflats dinner last week!(No,it dont hurt much anymore)
    Why I'm lookin at my reeward! I got week 53 of the timeshare in the sky! I know this is so cuz JT tole me so(or was that JC?,I disremeber)Lawdy lawdy,if ya got da troof raise da roof!

  • BoozeRunner

    Helllll Larc,
    I dun got mah edjumacation...thas right, I dun went and got a GEE-EEE-DEE. I weren't abul to sell mah home, bein its a trailer-shuda bought a dubble-wide. But thas aight, all mah chilluns been growin up in da troof.
    Hell, lil Amy is a star studunt in her scool, runnin da Bible Club, and Trent, well, he a natcheral janitor. Gon get hm a cleaning company when he old enuf, and be a hot-damn pioneeeer.

    Like you say, whas a matter wit folks?


  • larc

    Hello Sister Tina,

    I love you, and I always will. We are all going through a lot of shit.

  • Billygoat

    "and Trent, well, he a natcheral janitor. Gon get hm a cleaning company when he old enuf, and be a hot-damn pioneeeer"



  • jonjonsimons

    You have saved my life. There's a Kingdom Hall just down the street and I'm putting on my Friday night go to meeting clothes as I type.
    Thank you brother larc, you've done for me what 1 elder father, 2 congregations and 20 years lost in the "world" haven't been able to do. You showed me the light and it's so bright, I'm damn near blinded.

    thanks for the email. you are too much fun!

    Opinions are like a**holes. We've all got one and most of them stink.

  • Flip
    Well, Brother Larc, whut 'bout my hoam I soled and the fakt that I never wint to skuul? Shudn't thar be SUM reewhard fer my total lac uv edumakashun?

    Well, the fakt is...you hang aroun' the WTBTS corporation long enough without acting like you're assimilatin'...and you'll git fakt!


  • Maximus

    Larc! Or is it HICK!

    Finally you show your true colors! I've never liked fuchsia, surely you must have known that. A bumble bee would have more sense!

    Can't you see me here with my fists up? Haaaaahh?

    I want you to LOVE ME, dammit!

    Don't care whut kinda stuff you going through, this is about ME!
    You got something going on with Tina behind my back?

    And you, just2laws!
    First, I'm not dumb, there are THREE of them.

    : Interesting approach!
    You think I'm some bitty bug under your microscope to be scrutinized?

    Engage in "a pushing" with me, will they!
    I've gotcher King of the North right here!!

    "I have met the enemy and he is us."


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