Hello brothers and sisters,
I just can't understand what is wrong with you, and why you have fallen away. Dear brother Russell got this whole thing started. He made a few mistakes, but you can't get it all right when you are just starting out. For example, he predicted the end of the world 25 years ahead of time. Well, he didn't get it right, so he figured out that something invisible happened.
Now this thing about the King of the North and the King of the South. I think Russell thought one of them was Napoleon. Hey, times change and conditions change. Just because the Society can't figure out who these kings are, doesn't mean a thing. We are living in exciting times, and soon it will be revealed to us.
I am so happy to be living in these wonderous times. I have been pioneering now for 122 years, and have enjoyed every minute of it!
I just wish that you brothers and sisters would come back to the truth. Please don't let little things like pedophellia stumble you.