Hi, I just put together a site that tries to logically show the Witnesses are not the true religion. Just wondering how to get the information out to people that most need it. Also any ideas on how to get the site found by search engines. And while i am at it, if anyone can be bothered reading it, any constructive thoughts about it. thanks
just created a site www.jwfacts.com
by jwfacts 46 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Great site jwf!! The site is well set out and all the links are provided neatly on the homepage without need for a separate sitemap. I also enjoyed immensly the introduction to the site encouraging "honest-hearted ones" to examine the WTS free from guilt, quoted from their own precious journal.I haven't read all of the site yet, but from among the sections i have read, i especially enjoyed "Fear & Mind Control". I would like to see the little bit on instilling terror into children about Armageddon, to be elaborated and put in its own paragraph or even section, and i would like to see it stressed that the brochure Enjoy Life on Earth Forever, (in which the terrifying pictures are found), is aimed specifically at young children who are just beginning to learn to read and write.
One of the reasons i enjoy Quote's site (http://quotes.watchtower.ca/) is because he doesn't comment or pass explicit judgement about whether the beliefs are wrong or right, he merely takes masses of quotes from the Watchtower publications and transcripts from talks and presents them in a readily accesible format while keeping them in their original context. I'm not saying you should specifically do this, (coz it's already been done very successfully), but i'd advise you to give thought to people in the early stages of WTS-doubt who may not believe fully in the WTS but still don't want to feel like the beliefs they still hold are being attacked by loaded words such as "bias", "dishonest", or "wrong". However i did enjoy the personal expressions and experiences scattered throughout.
It would also be interesting to have a section about cover-ups such as the child abuse and UN fiascos. Yet another thing which would make it stand out would be to have bible quotes and WT quotes in bold or italics.
I think your site should automatically get found by search engines, i don't think there's any need to register. It may take a few hours/days to get recognised though. If you do a bit of non-intrusive advertising it should also help to boost your hit count. I'd also edit the Wikipedia entry for "Jehovah's Witnesses" (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jehovahs_Witnesses) to provide a link to your page in the section "Resources Critical of the Group" at the bottom of the page.
A very well thought out and organised site, well done, good luck, and thank you for yet another Aposto-page.
thank you for the help. I will look to edit it and add to it. It is so hard not to put in the 'loaded' words as I got quite emotional when doing all the research.
I liked the site! Wow, yet another site about jw's. After two years of extensive research I can't believe new ones are still popping up. As for 'loaded' language, I don't mind it at all. I was never a jw so when I first began studying about them it was all so confusing. The general population knows nothing about 1914, false dates, etc.. and try to explain the whole UN thing to someone who knows nothing about the jw's! First you have to start with what the WT was teaching and WHY this is such a big deal. I guess it is hard to balance between appealing mainly to jw's and also the general public. I will look through more of it later. It's already in my favorites. Good luck. carla
You need to put tags and titles in your Html code for it to get picked up by search bots. Here's a link to some ideas on optimising for google, but I guess the same apply equally to most other bots...
Well my goodness! Aren't you the busy little bee?
I was very impressed with what I saw and bookmarked it to be read later when I have more time.
Way to GO!
hey! great job!
- i would really develop a section called "science" or something like that. under it you could have articles on evolution, cosmology and the flood. if it were not for science, i don't know if i would be out today. so think about it.
- the davinci code section was entertaining. it really shows what a crazy old coot russell was. the founder of the sect. just also remember that in secular circles, the davinci code is not all fact like the writer of it says. a lot of it is speculative, and just down right false. but a good thing about the book, is it helps people review their belief in certain things.
apart from that, i really like how you stick to the tenent of facts. when i was leaving the truth, a site like that would have been helpful for sure.
good luck!
Oops - a double post - I typed H and it posted???
Hi Excellent resource - however I can't see all of the pages [the last lines doesn't show]. I'd love to print some of these out and leave with my Dad next time time he gets all emotional over why I'm no longer a practicing JW. I too had great difficulty with a god that would be so apparently unfair as to distroy so many.
but i'd advise you to give thought to people in the early stages of WTS-doubt who may not believe fully in the WTS but still don't want to feel like the beliefs they still hold are being attacked by loaded words such as "bias", "dishonest", or "wrong". However i did enjoy the personal expressions and experiences scattered throughout.
I totally agree with this. Had I read some of the sites with all the "loaded' words, when I was first coming out It would have put me off.
Having said that: What a great site. I just read the part about the worship of Jesus. Very interesting. You are doing a great job, it's quite professional looking and very informative Top marks.