Warning my dog eats JW's

by DannyHaszard 25 Replies latest social current

  • Panda

    How wonderfully polite this guy was to insistent "getting our time in" sisters. They will of course return because they spoke with someone. "Hello" is as good as anything and really really close to a doorway Bible Study. I live out in cattle country and have only been called on twice..okay maybe more because there was a magazine left once. But to my city friends who really don't get the whole door to door thing; I tell them to hand out brochures from NOW or some similiar org.

    Urban legends are dreamed up in the same vein as "I caught a fish this BIG" stories. "My (fish or persecution miracle story) is bigger and badder than your story; which I have usually heard from those who never ever shut up and chatter away at any beating heart.

  • talesin

    Joker, you are aptly named!

    I like the story, but if the dog was unleashed, I strongly disagree with his method.

    Yah, I had a guy sic his dog on me once, it was an Akita,,, and mean ... he let it out of the house as he closed the door, with no warnings ... coward!

    I also knew an elderly womyn that was attacked by a Newfoundland dog (like a St. Bernard or Great Pyrenees, only black) while walking up a driveway, and had her hip broken and a hospital stay.

    Post signs, write the KH, petition the town council to make door-to-door soliciting illegal, be as verbally nasty as you want, but do not sic (or threaten to sic) your unleashed dog on these misguided souls. Not only is it cruel, it is illegal.

    Violence is never the answer.


  • Netty

    Great story Danny. I am sure the writer speaks for many many people, who are irriated by the JW's bothering them all the time.

  • RichieRich

    I was bitten by a dog out in service when I was 11.

    I'm still scarred (literally) lol... We didn't sue, and I didn't get so much as an apolody from the householder (There's a dub term lol)

    Here's the pics...alt

    i know the floor looks like shag carpeting, but let me assure you its not...

    Here's my palm:


    Now remember, this is 6 years after the fact, and my hand has grown considerably in those years... (big hands, big feet... BTW ladies...) And these scars are nothing what it looked like at first...

  • SadElder

    What a funny line. I can appreciate his sentiments. But he now makes himself liable for lawsuits, should any unsuspecting dub get injured by his dog.

    ... some years ago we had a fellow sick a dog on us while we were in service. Not only did I beat the hell out of the dog with my briefcase (I always had a metal bar in the bottom of my briefcase) I had my attorney make a living hell for the fellow for a while. I thought it great fun. We had the guy hiding in his house for months afraid we were going to take his house in a lawsuit. The other dubs in the congregation were mortified that I would bring such reproach. Oh well that was another life, now we have peace in our house.

    BTW Richie we are not interested in pictures of any of your other appendages, this is a family site after all (hee hee)

  • talesin

    Me, too, Richie. Bit me on the hand.

    I still have a fear of dogs that are unknown to me, and dammit, they sense it! It can really be traumatizing.


  • luna2

    Interesting article, Danny.

    Joker, sorry, without proof, that story is just another entry in the Dub Book Of Myths & Fairytales.

    I agree, talesin! Do whatever you have to to get the dubs to stop pestering you, as long as you refrain from violence. Look what happened to poor little Richie's hand! It's horrible to let your animal attack anybody, but especially older folks and kids. Shouldn't a call to the KH and a request to be put on their "do not call" list be sufficient or are the JW's not honoring that any more?

  • RichieRich
    Me, too, Richie. Bit me on the hand.

    I still have a fear of dogs that are unknown to me, and dammit, they sense it! It can really be traumatizing.

    I'm not scared, I just hate that I had to endure the pain for nothing...

    I did get an infection from the bacteria, and I was sick for a week or so. That and a flesh wound got me a lot of sympathy from the friends...

  • Panda

    Richie Rich is that a wedding ring?

  • RichieRich

    No, its a silver band with "Big Red" (my nickname) engraved in it. IT was a gift, and is sort of a commitment ring with my girlfriend... This isn't a great pic, but it shows what it is... (I apologize for my legs being in the pic...)


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