I seriously just wanted to see how people can twist and turn these events to try to make them fit into their own world view. It seems they think the same of me.
hey, hey...come on now. to each their own, but to insinuate that the "dissenters" have to manipulate the data to fit their own bias seems a bit unfair. the data already fits yours and my own respective 'biases'...that's why we start from our positions (either of material explanations or supernatural ones).
i don't know about anyone else, but i don't think you have to twist and turn these events to make them fit your worldview. i think they already fit quite naturally since you are someone who was (at least tentatively) already open to the idea of an afterlife. likewise for me, i don't have to twist and turn your story to make it fit my worldview. it already fits quite naturally into a materialist explanation (as has been shown).
as far as sirona's experience, i simply reserve judgment. whether i decide at this point to believe in her experience as proof (or at least favorable evidence) of an afterlife OR to simply dismiss it as nonsense, would be jumping the gun, IMO. i'd have to have a couple of questions answered first.