Cat in Emergency Care - could use some support

by carefully faded 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    I'm playing catch up here! Glad your cat is well. Just to say don't worry about the heart murmur, one of my cat has grade 4 (the worst is grade 5) murmur. she's on medication and you'd never know she has a 'problem' at all.

  • Billygoat

    Carefully faded,

    I'm so sorry to hear about your kitty. Our male cat had a UTI several times earlier this year. And he was peeing all over the house, because he distinguished pain in the kitty box as a bad experience and tried to find new places to pee. But several weeks on antibiotics and a new cat food cleared him up. We've not had a problem with him since. Also, we now allow him to be an outdoor cat...he can pee wherever he wants outdoors. I think it's been about 4 months now without issue. We're all much happier now.

    Anyway, he's home and I'm so happy. His sister is acting very strangely though. When she saw him, she went up to him and smelled him, and then started hissing. She's been growling and hissing at him anytime he comes near her. Either she is confused by his "new smell", or she got used to being the only kitty at home and is now jealous that she has to share me now that he is back. I think it is a combination of both.

    Our female cat did the exact same thing. Give them a couple days to sort things out. He smells "funny" to her right now. By the time she gets used to it, it'll have worn off and they'll be getting along just fine.

    My thoughts are with you!


  • Insomniac

    faded- Unless your vet has reccommended a different brand, you might consider Wysong brand cat food. It's excellent stuff, and all my cats have been on it. While I can't give all the credit to the food, they all lived to a ripe old age: Antoinette succumbed to kidney failure at 23 (not a typo!), Tut at 20 due to an infection his elderly system just couldn't fight off, and I had to have my Shushilla put to sleep at 19, as she had failing kidneys and cancer. All three of them were happy, healthy cats their whole lives, with the exception of Tut's bout with the dreaded pee disease. I do think that feeding them quality food played a role in their overall health.

  • Purza

    Just saw this post today. Glad your kitty is okay.


  • carefully faded
    carefully faded

    Sad emo, thanks for the encouraging information about the heart murmur. How often do you have to give your cat her medicine? Is it pill or liquid form? Do you have any suggestions on an easier way to give them medicine? The antibiotics I am giving my big guy are in liquid form and it is a struggle.

    Hi Billygoat. Glad to hear that your cat is doing well now. It's so hard to see them sick, isn't it? Thanks also for sharing your story about your girl kitty that is doing the same thing as mine. I came home from work today expecting them to have worked things out - it's been about 24 hours since he's been home - and she is still snorting, hissing and growling at him. Tonight, she even took a swat at his head. I feel so sorry for him - he's so happy to be home, and he looks at her with this expression as if he's saying, "what did I do?" Sounds like I need to give them more time to work things out.

    Insomniac, the vet did recommend a certain food called Prescription CB. That's amazing how old your cats were! You must have given them a great life!

    Purza, thanks! Me too.

    - CF

  • G Money
    G Money

    Had this happen years back and diet was the answer. Lots of good posts here. Best of luck to you.

  • Dan-O

    " I wish I could add my furry kids onto my health benefits plan!"

    Once upon a time, I heard of a couple *ahem* who used their pets' vet bills on their form 1040 medical expenses as a tax deduction. The IRS allowed it. Or ... so I heard. ;-D

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    Hi there, hope your cats have made friends again! Its probably the strange smells he brought home from the vets.

    Have you discussed the murmur with the vet yet? If he only has a slight murmur (I think they say Grade 1 or 2) they might not give him any medication at all, but you'd have to watch for signs of it getting worse - breathlessness, wheezing, those sort of symptoms.

    My cat has to have half a VERY small tablet every day (its 1.25mg Ramipril - very small) she has the added problem of having no teeth so she can only eat dry food! I have to use a 'pill popper' for her which is sometimes quite traumatic for both of us - I have the scars on my arms to prove it!

    A very good way of giving cats or dogs tablets is to coat them thickly in cheese spread or cream cheese - they love it (usually) but its so sticky that they can't spit it back out!! - cool con trick eh? .

    If its liquid medicine then its just a case of putting it on a small piece of meat or fish which will soak it up. I have to do this occasionally with my other cat who has arthritis - pets - expensive or what?!

    I forgot to suggest to you also about cat food - it might be an idea to put him onto a senior/light formula. These are made with the intention of helping kidney function (plus other things like eyesight) because elderly cats are prone to urinary problems. Also it will help keep his weight under control - which will keep the strain off his heart. See what your vet thinks about it though.

    I'm not sure whether you can get the brand that I use over there - its called James Wellbeloved, it has natural ingredients in (eg cranberry juice which keeps the urine pH down) and its largely rice based too so you don't need to feed as much.

    Hope this is a help

  • carefully faded
    carefully faded

    I'm worried again! It's been almost two weeks since he's been home - and I noticed today that he is making frequent trips to the liter box again. When I came home this evening, I was able to actually see him go pee and I noticed that just small squirts of pee were coming out. The more he went into the liter box, the smaller the amounts of pee he would go.

    I noticed that his ears are pretty hot again - they were hot when I first brought him home from the vet. Maybe he has a bladder infection and he just feels like he has to go? But the weird thing is he is still on his antibiotics. I'm also noticing that he keeps laying on cooler surfaces like the linolium in the bathroom, or the toilet seat cover. I'm thinking he has a fever.

    The good thing is that he seems to feel ok. I brought out his laser toy and he was running all over the house trying to catch the red dot! He was even jumping up on the walls to catch it. I don't think he would do this if he was in pain or felt sick.

    I'm going to keep a close eye on him and bring him back to the vet on Monday. I'm hoping he doesn't get worse and need to go to the emergency clinic again!

    - CF

  • kazar

    Faded, I am so sorry and worried about your cat. I have a cat and went through the UTI with him. It is frightening but vets can do so much with this problem today. My thoughts are with you and your kitty.

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