Hi all hows it going . im having problems with my boss.... i dread going to work theres always some drama ging on there hes in my business all the time personal that is... he makes comments to others about how im private stock and so on and so forth yet denies hes even doing anything wrong. he gets mad if i talk to others (Males) at the work place and also gets upset when i get phone calls (males) ive been with the company for about 6 years i am a hard worker all see this around me yet he treats me like crap what should i do?
by Cupcake 35 Replies latest jw friends
Do you work for a small business or a large corporation?
Large corporations usually have sexual harassment policies that are enforceable through the Human Resources department. Your boss would have a superior to report to in that case as well.
In a small business, it's a bit trickier. You might be better off looking for another job.
Smaller companies are notorious for this. They are federally exempt from being sued if they have less 10 employees. At least that's what the law used to be....
its a small business that is sexual harrasment isnt it
He has no right to behave like that ie harass you, and you should either be firm but polite and stand up to him or find another job.
ive straight out told him HE HAS NO RIGHT he has created a hostile atmisphere for me ive been so down and out about this whole miss i know the employee policies but he expects me to be a snob to all males that enter the premises. Im a single woman and he tells them if they ask.... " shes off limits"
its not about sueing its about how hes making me feel and how i have to now go out and find another job and get away from this and he says or is always saying that age and education has alot to do with how your gonna do in the job market
he is a married man...I feel like telling him that if he dont cut this out im gonna tell his wife how he is acting at work but then im not about hurtin other people just that he makes my life miserable....
What kind of a job are doing if I may ask?
It looks as if this guy fancies you and hotly resents you talking to other males. If you kep telling hiim not to bother you and doesn't listen and he is the top authority there then what else can you do other than tell him that you will leave for all the upset that involves? You can't be blackmailed. -
im an office manager for a school bascially i do every darn thing you can think of from administrative to billing to whatever and everything in detail. im not a very young person and im kinda scared to start over. i think he knows this thus thinks just because he pays my salary he owns my life. I WORK FOR WHAT I DO its not given to me