e-foot in mouth, does anyone else have this problem??

by Frog 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • sonnyboy

    I think these forums are an outlet for most people. We're all basically anonymous and free to talk about things that we've probably never discussed with anyone before.

    That freedom can be overwhelming at times, making us say some crazy sh;t. I have rules about posting that I rarely follow; I guess I should call them goals:

    1) Never post while drunk. The freedom of anonymity mixed with alcohol removes all inhibitions.

    2) Never post when in a foul mood. Misery loves company, and our bad feelings can be easily spread to others.

    3) Never post while tired. I've read posts that I'd made in the middle of the night and saw that I left entire words out of sentences.

  • foreword

    Actually I thought you were talking to me.......re:tattoo thread

    I feel like that all the time....I'm too damn oppiniated...i just wish I could be more fluffy...like squeazeable fluffy.

    Mark....who needs to take life less seriously

  • diamondblue1974

    I couldnt help but laugh frog...not in a disrespectful way but purely because I would do and have done exactly the same thing...i.e sent an email to all in the employment department of a caricature of something that looked like the senior partner...it wasnt the most flattering of cartoons either...

    I got an email back from the senior partner thanking me for the email...apparently his wife had asked where she could obtain a copy so she could have it enlarged...she had found it hillarious...he wasnt offended by it thank goodness although he did jokingly point out that I could have chosen something a little more flattering...apparently his email got sent to everyone too and his PA told him to mind his own business and that if staff wanted to email non flattering cartoons of the benevolent SP then it was their right and that he should know better than to mess with the Employment Law department....she got away with murder that woman...too funny.


  • lazyslob

    "little flirty things" Feel free to e-mail me anytime.

  • Es

    I so no what you mean hun about both topics...the lack of posts and foot in mouth. there is just something bout the computer screen that gives you balls to say what you feel. I know when i chat to my fiance over the puter when he is at work i say all the things ive wanted to face to face. Its just easier coz you dont have to visually see there reactions. es

  • Frog

    Hey DB:) Oh my god, that is way too funny! the whole characature of your SP!! I did a very similar thing a few years back. I was on a management board for a finance company in Melbourne at the time. I received an e-mail from the company lawyer, also on the board of directors, it was something in bad taste from memory. I intended to forward it to a friend in the company, adding in comments about what a dirty old man he could be at times, but in my error replied to him!!! I nearly had a complete coronary when I realised a few minutes later. I shot across to IT faster than you can say "oh my god I'm such a fricking idiot" and pleaded with the IT mgr (also friend) to log in and delete it before he read it. This of course is completely against company policy, as you can imagine. We managed to get there just in time, me the whole time breaking out into a cold sweat lol! I had thought that I might need to improvise with a lapdance or similar to distract him while I deleted the mail from his inbox. I tell you, the internet can be a very dangerous thing when you're feeling a little absent minded.

    Thanks for sharing, yours is way funny:) frog

  • Dark Knight
    Dark Knight


    I'm sure they'll get over it

    IMO the best thing about posting or emailing over the internet is that you can think about what you write and even edit it before you send it off!

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