night you will be disfellow or reproved should u?.

by jazz 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • jazz

    go to the hall and face the music or stay home and watch t.v this thought went through my head when an elder asked a sister if her husband was to embarrased to sit in the hall when they made the announcement what do you think?

  • hippikon

    Whats on TV?

  • funkyderek

    Go, and when your name is read out, stand up and take a bow. Better still, rush up to the platform and do a gushy Julia Roberts-style thank you speech

    Ubi dubium ibi libertas

  • Tina

    Hi derek

    lol How about a Sally Field overwhelmed type response?
    "You don't like me! you REALLY don't like me! :D hugs,T

  • Amazing

    Hi Jazz: When we disfellowshipped someone, we normally expected them to stay home on the night of the announcement to prevent discussions and fellowship with JWs before the Service meeting. Although some few showed up for the announcement, most did not.

    Although I do not know for an absolute fact, I undertstand that it was announced that I Disassociated myself on July 17th, 1995, excatly 25 years after my baptism. (It was actually forced upon me.) But, I was not to be found at the Kingdom Hall. My last meeting was the Memorial of 1993. I have never been back, and unless I have some ulterior reason to do otherwise, I will never go back. - Amazing

  • closer2fine

    When I asked to be removed from the pioneer list (I told them I was just going through the motions) they made the announcement one Thursday night (by chance I was home sick - I didn't know they were going to announce it that night). Now I wasn't being DF'd or anything - but you would have thought so by the congregation's reaction. My mom said several people cried & came up to my family afterwards and hugged them for support. I am just so thankful I didn't have to be there to see it.

    Are you glad you are being DF'd? Do you care what they think? Are you upset on any level? I personally wouldn't want to be there, I wouldn't want them to see me upset. If you think you can have FUN with the situation - then go!!


    The less I seek my source for some definitive The closer I am to fine - Indigo Girls

  • Tina

    Hi jazz
    On a serious note,why would someone want to sit and experience such an abusive procedure? If it were me,I wouldn't go and give them the satisfaction of initiating abusive behavior upon my person. I knew lots of folks who just LOVED to act so superior and self righteous when A DF was announced. Nope ,I'd say check the TV listing, or better yet go out with supportive friends that night.Have fun!regards,Tina

  • Disengaged

    Pioneer! Pioneer! Pioneer! it just doesn't pay the bills!

  • BoozeRunner

    In my last congregation, a very good elder friend of mine was of the opinion that a person should be at the KH when they were announced as DF'd or reproved. I followed his suggestion when I was DF'd.
    He also stated that I was free to speak and associate up until the actual announcement was made.


  • troubled


    I think if I were ever DF'd, whether or not I was present for the announcement would depend on the situation. If it was because of gross wrongdoing, I probably wouldn't go. If I had decided to leave the organization anyway, I probably wouldn't go. But if I still felt a part of the organization and was being DF'd for expressing a wrong view and/or for something I didn't feel was justified, I might go. Just to show that I'm not feeling guilty, ashamed, or hiding.

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