Wingcommander it has become a "showy display of one means of life"! SMH!
The WBATS has officially become a Fortune 500 company they are going public Monday buy your shares soon while they LAST!!!
by ADJUSTMENTS 31 Replies latest jw friends
The one thing that stood out to me was the drawing of Jesus holding the lamb. Maybe I am not remembering correctly, but I don't believe I have ever been in a KH where there was a rendering of Jesus. Usually the artwork was of paradise. They are really making a move to try to appease to "church" goers by changing their look. As far as the being on the building with a spotlight on it, that honestly turns my stomach. They are now branding...which to me, takes God out of it and inserts JW group think into it. SO glad I am no longer a part of this cult. WHEW!! -
Confuzzlediam Exactly!!! I am so glad I woke up and got out! It is a totally different organization from even just 5 years ago...
It has now become a BUISSNESS! If you don't make the cut you are fired (DF'ed)!
HeyThere it is all BS! They do not NEED new kingdumb halls! Since they are a real estate company they WANT more land and commercial buildings to place on it! They are the best at PR and SPIN, to us it doesn't make since as too many Rank and File JW's. We ask why does God need new halls!! It's not about God it's about MONEY! That's it and that's all folks and if you can't make sense of it just know "God is directing it"... SMH! -
WTWzard that is a good idea!!! -
Adjustments, I agree that it is not the same as it was 5 years ago. There was a shift especially when they started publishing the WT for public and for publishers. My parents have also noticed the shift and have a hard time with it all. Makes me wonder if there will be more that will start questioning the teachings as things evolve with the society?! -
Confuzzideim I think many more than we think are questioning things but they are told asking questions is a product of satan and should never be done or you could be DF'ed!!! So the scare tactics are keeping many mouths shut from even talking to family let alone so called close friends! Everyone is suspicious of everyone it's an idol situation for the WBATS cult! -
It's amazing what they are doing!!! -