So my questions are:
- Were you spanked?
Yes, but not excessively. Notmore then I deserved I guess.
- How Regularly / severly?
Maybe 4 to 6 times a year.
- Did your parent ever "lose control" and truly BEAT you?
- Do you know of others who were worse off
Yes.Some kids in the cong could not do anything right,how hard they tried. Sad to see. Those were the ones that left the 'truth' very early. Did everything the parents did not want in a later stadium of live.
I have to say that almost allother dubs spoke bad about the parents who did that. It was not viewed as normal or desirable.
- How widespread do you feel this problem is?
I have travelled a lot and see many KH's.I think it is more or less a problem in the states and lesser in europe. Also in 3rd world countries I think the situation is general better with dubs then none dubs.