Those of you not Df'd do you feel like me that I have bulls eye painted on my forhead just waiting for when the Borg gets you?
Do you have a bulls eye on your forehead
by skyman 14 Replies latest jw friends
I was smart enough not to let them paint that bull's eye on my forehead.
Oh ya !!! I know I'm being watched ever since I went "inactive." Now I'm just waiting for a "shepherding call" or as I like to call it, fishing expedition.
I artfully avoided getting baptied. But really my parents never pushed us to get baptised so none of us did. I dont even think we would have if they had pushed. All of us are pretty headstrong.
I felt that way up to the moment of my recent DF'ing.
The bullseye then leaves and attaches itself to your friends and relatives; those people 'must be spiritually weak' to have had a friend or relative like you!!!!
It's all down to tight control in the cult they want to make sure that nobody talks in a way that damages the image of the FDS that's the real reason for getting marked. They know they can't take much criticism before falling apart.
funnily enuf i dont. I dont let them control me anymore.The elders know where i stand and they have left me alone.....for how long i dont know. But i hold my head up high and will never again let mere man make me feel like that again es
Since I started fading the elders have tried to pin me down once only. They came to my house but I wasn't home. They then called my mobile and asked if they could meet me. I curtly thanked them for their interest and told them it wouldn't be necessary. They persisted I kept up with my retort and I haven't heard from them since.
I live my life I won't let that religon live it for me.