For the first time in over a year..........maybe longer.............I saw dubs in FS at 11:00 AM today as I was about to enter a local eatery for lunch. I just had to stop and watch them for a couple of minutes with mixed feelings. These feelings went from loathing to iota of guilt on my part though!
Two bros. were across the street standing on a porch with a lady. I knew they were not Mormons because there is a difference in their bearing when doing their work. Most Mormons...if they carry a briefcase have the ones with shoulder straps, or just no briefcase at all. Just their bible and whatever! Dubs like the briefcases that pull their arms out of their sockets. These bros. were in "full" suits as well. And it was HOT. It still is!
At least the Mormon's have enough sense to just wear their white shirts without the jackets when it is hot!
These were bros in about their 30's or late 20's. I just had to stand there and stare because this was in the territory that belongs to my next to the last KH I attended, but I did not recognize them. I had heard about 2-3 years ago that my former KH had a big shakeup change and other young bros were brought in from the local area to cover up the bad blood build up the KH.
Anyhow......I just shook my head and went into the nice air conditioned place and relaxed for awhile.
HappyDad (of the no longer sweating to the oldies class.......GB that is)!