If you were STILL a JW where would you be now?

by Thegoodgirl 57 Replies latest jw friends

  • love2Bworldly

    "I would be in a bi-racial marriage with 3 bi-racial children and weigh 300 lbs. "

    Excuse me, but is anyone else out there offended at this? I have 2 very beautiful bi-racial kids and it has nothing to do with whether or not I was a JW.

    You sound like a bigoted fool.

  • eyeslice

    I'd be Little Toe's confident in the congregation - the steady elder who's never put a foot out of line and is aways someone the CO can rely on.


  • Thegoodgirl

    Loves2B: of course we're all offended, but (if I remember correctly) the person who posted that, it was their "1 of 1" post, so someone just made up a quick name, signed themselves on, JUST to pi$$ everyone off. Don't take them seriously. If AM married to someone of another race, and damnit, my kids will be beautiful too!

    Where would I be??? Hmm, taking advantage of the twighlight hours to do "evening witnessing", studying for the endless Thursday night meeting (bible reading, all scriptures inspired book, reasoning book, WT article, then move on to the OUr Kingdom Ministry articles, and if you're any kind of a spiritual person, you will look up all the non quoted scriptures too.) Married to a Jdub I guess. Probably no kids, and certainly depressed "but not even knowing it" as someone else said. Thank god you guys all got out, who were suicidal. Here's to those who didn't, may they rest in peace.

  • horrible life
    horrible life

    You are offended? Well how about this. A black (brother) picked me out at a get together and decided that he would make me his. He had just come off of being reproved. Of course I did not know this. He said all of the things a horny guy says. Made me feel like a million bucks. I was an elders daughter. I was baptized and pioneered in the summer. I was a straight A student with a future. I played in the orchestra at conventions. Was in dramas at conventions. I was a very good girl. I fell hard for him. My dad then checked him out. He had a long list of girls from other congragations. Dad tried to talk to me. This was the first time I had ever gone against him. He should give him a chance. I loved him. I just had to wait til I was 18 to get married to him. We begged my parents to let us marry. My mom said no. So I moved out of my parents house, and in with a (sister with a room to rent). I would spend many nights with my clothes on, at his house. One night, as we were laying close, and I was falling asleep, he took his clothes off and proceeded to take off my pants and rape me. I cried for him to stop. He said he had to do it. I would not get pregnant if I did not orgasm. After it was over he went to bathroom to clean up himself. I sat up in bed and saw blood on the sheets. I had been a virgin. Well he got to pop my cherry! He was so proud it was him able to do it. I ran into the kitchen, and grabbed a knife. I wanted to kill him. He got the knife, and held me tight. He said it was ok, we were going to get married in 2 monthes. He loved me. I still hated him. I had never had any self confidence. He said no JW would want me now that I had had sex outside of marriage and to a "Black Man". He said it. So I stayed with him. In 2 month s I turned 18, the day after my birthday, I get rumors that he is seeing a girl in a neighboring town. I ask my father to find out. Sure enough, he is. I feel like there is nothing to live for. I am used meat. I could not go back to the Kingdom Hall. My dad being an elder, I could not confess our sins. I could not date a witness ever again. I told my parents that I was working during meeting times. After 6 monthes, I started dating an older man. Meanwhile the rapist shows up again. He asks me to come back to him. I know what he is doing. He has kept track of me all this time. Knowing I have been waiting for him. He again tells me no "White Man" will ever touch me. (All he ever had were white girls)

    I walked away from him, told the man I was seeing that I had been involved with a black man. He married me anyway. He never let me forget about it, and beat me up on a regular basis. After a broken jaw, several black eyes, cracked ribs, and 3 years I left him.


    So if you all are so offended, I wish you could step into my shoes for awhile. I lost my virginity, my faith, my family, my trust, my financial future, everything to a (brother). I came here looking for support, I got the same as I got from your religion. none

  • doofdaddy

    If my ex jw "friends" are an indicator, I would be a middle aged, red eyed ,bloated drunk, trying to stop my mid life crisis wife from shagging a younger, firmer model. I ran into a few of them recently and couldn't reconise them at first. Tragic!

  • Dan-O

    I'd probably be re-instated (yeah, right!) after having been df'ed for some sort of moral issue (like banging an elder's wife).

    Thank G Hoover I ain't playin' dat game anymore. It's tough to properly fold a WT & slip it in th screen door with one hand without losing your grip on brewski with the other hand.

  • keeshah
    I came here looking for support, I got the same as I got from your religion. none

    I'm sorry that you feel that way about this place. Honestly, this is an awesome place and does help a lot of people but... we have been the victims of "trolls" before.

    If you had first made an introductory post... telling us about yourself... what you have been thru, you would have received a very warm welcome.

    Can we all start again please?

    (Oops, maybe I should make one of those "introductory posts", too.)

  • Sparkplug

    (((((horrible life)))))

    I am not sure how to take you...see I am bi racial, but I feel your pain and I bet it is more at the man than at the color. I think that what he did was absolutely horrible...as you put it and well maybe if you give us an introduction we all would gladly welcome you. In fact many of us, bi-racial or not have walked in your shoes. OVER and Over. So the hug is sincere and in fact I feel the need to give another. (((((horrible life)))))

    sparkplug of the not quite 300 lbs and have 3 biracial children and am one myself. Pick a color any color and there we are!!


  • horrible life
    horrible life

    Keeshah and Sparkplug

    Thank-you for your posts. Yesterday, I had a very bad day. Checked my email, and clicked on a "Reunion" website email.Its kinda like Classmates.com. It said old friends had looked at my profile. I found out it was the old witness boyfriend. So I looked at his profile. It had a red beating heart next to his name, saying he was dating. I had been lurking here for a couple of months. So when I saw the question, "where would you be now"? I had already been thinking and feeling sorry for myself, I just said what I was thinking. I'm lurking here, and he is probably somewhere in Oklahoma lurking at a Kingdom Hall, trying to get yet another young sister, and ruin her life. He was a sweet talker. It's been 20 years ago, The sadness and hurt has always been there, but I felt like he was outside my window at that moment.

    I had such a bad day at work today.did not get much sleep. I could not stop thinking about what happened. I broke out in tears at one point. Fellow employees have never seen me cry. I told them a favorite aunt died. I live 200 miles away now, but I feel him around. I did not put my new city on my profile. It would not take much for him to find me. I should have been smarter that to post on such a site. I feel violated all over again.

    No I am not a bigot. You are right, it is the person (brother) haha, not the race. I was very upset from the replies, that I had to tell them my horrendous story. My pain is so real. Now I see that I did just blurt out an answer. Thank you for pointing it out nicely, now that I have calmed down alittle. I have got to get some sleep. I will try to post an intro later. What will I say? How about I copy and paste my story, and add that I am paranoid now?

    Sorry there I go again. I'm really a nice person. Thanks for the hugs. I will take the cybor hugs, but in person I have a really hard time. I don't like them. Now there is a big topic Thanks Horrible Life

  • horrible life
    horrible life

    Am I paranoid????? My phone just rang, It was anonamous, and they just breathed heavy. I am listed in the book. Probably nothing, but I am not crazy!

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