I did the fade two years ago and have found this board helpful. Just want to say thanks.
by millions now living are dead 34 Replies latest jw friends
I did the fade two years ago and have found this board helpful. Just want to say thanks.
Welcome and I love the name!
Welcome Millions - more posts soon I hope
LOL. A truely inspired choice of moniker. Welcome!
Welcome - I'm sure you'll enjoy the board!!! Enjoy - alw
welcome millions,
tell us how you managed the fade....
Welcome, don't be shy, come here often. I lurked around here looking and made the odd post here and there but once you really get into this it's great.
Hi Millions!!!!
Welcome and Congrats on the fade. Hoping to hear from you often. It sure is fun, you find yourself having opinions and the dreaded independent thinking. For example: Someone makes a statement and they believe it is true, you read the statement and think to yourself, I don't actually agree with that, you wince and look around guiltily because you thought for yourself.
When nothing bad happens you actually express your opinion, thereby giving a voice to your independent thought. Maybe some people agree with you and say so, some people do not and they speak as well. And again nothing bad happens, as a matter of fact something good happens-the exchange of actual ideas. Amazing
Welcome to the site! Hope to see more of your posts...
Welcome millions
Hope you stick around