Roger Ebert not thrilled with War of the Worlds--2 stars only

by blondie 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • Es

    Yeah from the previews it doesnt look the best not as good as the original but i will still see it on the big screen for the effects. es

  • acsot
    A scene where an alien tentacle explores a ruined basement where they're hiding is a mirror of a better scene in " Jurassic Park " where characters hide from a curious raptor.

    Exactly what I thought. I just saw the movie - wish I had read this review beforehand. I was bored through most of it, although the little girl was great, but I'd like to see her in something with more depth. The plot, what there was of it, was a lot of running, hiding, driving, hiding, crying, hiding, then the tripods disintegrate. It should have been entitled "Attack of the Not-so-scary machines."
  • blondie
    although the little girl was great, but I'd like to see her in something with more depth.

    Acsot, I don't know if you have access to it at a videostore (buy/rent), but she was in a science fiction miniseries on the cable channel, Sci-FI, called Taken. She comes in toward the end episodes.

    Blondie (going to see Cinderella Man)

  • Netty

    I got out of having to see this. Hubby is at the movies right now watching it, with my son. We'll see what they have to say about it.

  • CinemaBlend

    Joshua Tyler of not thrilled with it either:

  • upside/down

    Saw it and it SUCKED!!!

    And I'm pretty easy to please...

    That little girl that played Tom Cruises daughter in the movie should be tazed and sedated....AAAAAGGH!

    I literally wanted to scream Shut The F*ck Up! at her... she's a high control, emotional basket case...that NEVER shuts up or stops screaming.

    It was truly a pathetic movie and a HUGE let down.

    Set your expectations low,,, and you'll still be let down.

    u/d (of the hates critics too class)

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    War of The Worlds? Hmmm. How about "Run Tom Run?" instead. I love apocalyptic movies, sorry its in my blood. I enjoyed the movie because it was just that. Ever seen the illustration armageddon in the old Paradise book? The one with the earth opening and the people flalling in, complete with little girl, bike and doll? Here it is live almost.

    Drags in the middle and peters out at the end but still visually fun.

    Cinderella Man. Terrific movie. Full of heart and lots of punches.

    Batman Begins? zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

    Ebert only likes movies where people get laid.

    W. Once

  • Midget-Sasquatch

    I was disappointed in the invasion's beginning too. The novel had the aliens coming to Earth in meteorite like craft. I think that would have been more credible camouflage.

    Dakota is a good child actor. I almost felt a fatherly sympathy for her character in Taken. Everyone loves human/alien hybrids right? But the role given her in this movie fails to do that.

    Tom was much better as the cop/destroyed father in Minority Report and I rooted for that character and empathized with him. I know there has to be running, hiding, etc., but I couldn't really get myself to connect with Tom this time round. Again I think its the role and the situations that were lacking here.

  • roybatty
    I liked Minority Report. Only Tom Cruise movie I had seen except for Rain Main.

    Hmmm...the guy has made some very good movies. A Few Good Men, The Last Sammuria, Born on the Fourth of July, Color of Money. He's becoming a wacko but I have to admit I've enjoyed his movies over the years.

  • Jourles

    I saw it yesterday afternoon and on a scale of 1-10, I would probably give it a 6.5. It does a good job at keeping you tense throughout the entire movie(esp in the basement with tim robbins). Personally, Robbins was a fluke. I'm not sure how he was cast into that role. Overall, something felt lacking. Even with the ending, you think that Cruise is responsible for taking down the entire alien army....until the very last minute or two. Not sure if that was intentional - if it was, it was lame.

    The special effects are worth it. As usual, they do not disappoint. Oh, and this is not a movie to take little kids to go see.

    U/D mentioned the little girl....that was probably due to SS telling her to act that way. Her screaming definitely puts you on edge.

    And what was with Morgan Freeman doing the narrative? It was so short in the beginning and the end. The brief amount of talking that he did kind of gave it a hokey feel.

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