This is a blast, reading this thread. Stereotypes of all kinds exist for a reason...because enough people have demonstrated the same behavior with the same identifying characteristics, whether it be rednecks, women, young drivers, etc.
Then you always have the small but loud groups that probably really are exceptions to the stereotypes screaming "how dare you stereotype us" to those who report the common view that generally is accurate.
The exceptions to the strereotype(s) always seem to forget one thing...the fact that the REASON the stereotypes exists is because of actions of others...and not the ones making the observation. I'll tell you in a second, if a guy rolls up at an atm behind me with gold teeth...I'm leery, if its a college chick in a civic...I'm not. Anyone want to say they wouldn't be the same?
Of course we also never really relay the good things about people either...where's the fun or drama in that?
WLG (going back to my room now)