How can a female go out with a bang?

by unbeliever 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • lawrence


    Get the hair braided girl! Team up with my new band (all 20 to 30 years younger than self), and head to the KH in a limo, and from that point, there will be no more QUESTIONS. We carry bats, Rutherford, you?

  • candidlynuts

    wear a t shirt that says " GOOGLE JEHOVAH"S WITNESSES"

  • rebel8

    Maybe she should have a big smurf doll sticking out of her purse when she enters the meeting. Act normally. Then get one of those tablets from the gag stores that make you foam at the mouth. Raise her hand to comment at a meeting. Right when she's called on but waiting for the microphones to arrive, slip the tablet into her mouth covertly. She can announce her DA, then start talking in a low voice saying, "I am Beelzebub Smurf. I now possess this KH." Then start talking in tongues and go into convulsions. Be sure to throw in a few really bad words for good measure. She can both DA herself and empty the KH at the same time!

    Oh, they're probably not asceered of smurfs any more, are they? That was so long ago.

    You didn't want serious suggestions, did you?

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Wear a big sandwich board that says " THE WATCHTOWER IS A SNARE AND A RACKET" to the final meeting - why not turn the tables on 'em?

    NO seriously - want to get the congregation's attention, and avoid being tackled by an elder to shut you up? Pick a meeting in which the elders have announced that all the elders will meet 'for a short meeting after the final prayer' - after they have all retreated, stand in the back of the hall and announce that you have an important announcement to make. Then in a firm and loud voice make your speech - the non-elders will be so floored and agasp that they won't be thinking how to stop you - and by the time the elders figure out there is a problem you will have said your piece. You might want good notes so that the nervous moment doesn't make you miss what you wanted to say. You ought to get a good two minutes that way - that is a lot of time to say what you want to say. - There - out with a BANG!!!!

    Whatever you say - leave enough intrigue that anyone curious will perhaps seek you out sometime future.


  • mkr32208

    Whatever she does just ask her to please please record it and put it on the web as an mp3!

  • patio34

    It was pretty sensational what Bill Bowen did: he had the press go with him to the meeting, cameras and all. The elders apparently chickened out from announcing his df'g, so he stood and gave his own speech about the df'g.

    If only you could get the press to go with you. The other suggestions sound good too, albeit gutsy, more so than I would have.

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