Finally, I found the REAL truth!

by N at H 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • N at H
    N at H

    Hello everyone, just wanted to say hello and let you know a bit about my story and tell you how thankful I am that I found this site!

    I was never a baptized JW although in the early 90's I studied for about 3 years and was an un-baptized publisher for about 1 year before my doubts about some of the beliefs and also my inability to overlook the constant hypocracy of the elders did me in. Sadly it was not before I dragged the love of my life into it, and also my sister (they are both baptized although she left after seeing the elders double standards when it came to doling out counsel/punishment to their own families, he is still in) Anyway even though I couldn't bring myself to commit to the org because of the crap I saw going on in the 2 different halls I attended I still believed it was the TRUTH...what an idiot!

    I have been reading the posts here for about 3 or 4 weeks now and I am finally seeing the real "new" light. I had no idea about the U.N. thing and some of the other lies. I have been living with terrible guilt all the years since I walked away because as I said I still believed it was the truth. I struggled for years and said countless prayers to Jehovah begging him to help me see past the hypocrites and to stop being so weak spiritually (the elders wife I studied with told me I could only pray and "wait on Jehovah" to clean out his org....I couldn't tell her that her own damn husband and kids were the worst ones!!) I thought eventually I would go back and just ignore my doubts and the hypocracy around me, but now that I have read the many experiences here, I know that I'm not the spiritually weak one but that the WTS is just a pack of lies that no thinking person could ever have true faith in! Thanks so much for letting me rant, this has been a long time coming and it feels so good to finally feel free of the guilt! I will be permanently Not at Home now when they come knocking unless of course I decide to tell them what I have learned on this site! Thanks again everyone!

  • JW83

    Welcome, N at H, & thanks for sharing your story!

  • ButterflyCharmer

    You were smart to open your eyes early on, and not have to
    figure this out 30 years later. Good for you for getting out!
    Good luck to you, i hope you find comfort here!


  • Frog

    Hi N@H, what a smart cookey you were for not getting dunked! The horrible guilt after leaving the org is difficult to deal with, if you haven't yet been through the process of disproving all of their false beliefs. That's a really important process to go through, to make sure you don't have any hangover guilt which can suck you back down during times of trouble and stress. The way the org works to manipulate people's minds is unbelievably simple, but incredibly successful. It's a completely closed society that cuts people off for using their own logic and common sense. You've made the right decision, most of us here are absolutely certain of that. Look foward to seeing you around the board! frog

  • prophecor

    Welcome N@H. Not @ Home. Hahh, I just figured it out. Hope you'll stay awhile.


  • katiekitten

    Welcome N@H.

    That guilt is awful isnt it. I still believed the troof when I left, I just couldnt do it anymore. I thought I was a really bad person because I left for wicked reasons (my marriage had broken up and I wanted to sleep with someone I wasnt married to) unlike some people I know who had left for purely doctrinal reasons.

    So the first time I did the deed I thought 'well, thats it, im going to die at Armageddon now'. In fact I was thinking it as we were doing it - talk about a passion killer!!

    It was about 7 years later when I read COC that I realised maybe I wasnt going to die a horrible fire and brimstone death along with my lovely daughter and new partner within the next few years. What a relief!

    I look forward to reading your posts.

  • Honesty

    Welcome to the board, N@H !!!

    Freedom is so satisfying.

  • greendawn

    Welcome to the forum, there is a lot of info on the net about the jws and if you research there their history you will find many more reasons as to why the WTS is a great con artist and a fraud.

  • kls

    Welcome N at H and welcome to knowing the truth about the so called truth

  • luna2

    Hi N@H! You are the smart one! Wish I'd been as clear-sighted. Welcome to the board.


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