Is WTBS now encouraging witnesses to go into business?

by zagor 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • zagor
    "Well, The Watchtower is more important then a job, so i can't work Sundays, or Saturday morning, and Thursday nights are out, definitely not Tuesday nights, oh and Monday night I have family study, and Wednesdays during the day I have my own personal study time, and Monday and Thursday mornings I peddle magazines, and Saturday afternnoon's I have a bible study who is learning, and I maybe starting another study on Wednesday nights, but otherwise I can work anytime."

    LOL, I run my own small business and I know the feeling. For any of them to make such a demand they'd have to be pretty darn good at what they are doing (read EXPERTS). Given the general level of education among dubs that’s almost an absolute impossibility. Which brings us back to the “mother ship” WTBS. Considering stupidity of their advice on education (and everything else for that matter) I wonder how average dub survives in this world.
    Even advice to go to college only if you are planning to pioneer, I mean come on, even with degree you find it hard to find FULLTIME job let alone a part time. GB is living in an imaginary world; most of them have never had to work for living and from that (sick) perspective are giving an advice on education. Of course they didn’t need education because everyone else works for them. How does an average dub feed his family of 4 5, 6 or more with a laboring job is another matter. (Actually, long before I’ve started questioning beliefs and everything I’ve come to conclusion that to be JW you’d have to have at least a great job if not your own business.) Considering demands you mentioned (which are real for every dub) is it any wonder that many are frustrated, unhappy, that families break up and the only thing that’s outside is fake façade of living a fulfilled and happy life.?
    Though, to get back to the topic. Considering the intensity as well as frequency with which (owning your own business) has been mentioned I would have to consider that there is a new push by GB to “encourage” dubs to run their businesses – after all “mother ship” will benefit from it. It doesn’t take a brain surgeon to see this.

  • hamsterbait

    Jaffacake -

    That was one of the most powerful weapons in the Plymouth Brethren.

    You lost everything if you left.

    Even those children not wanting to get baptized had to eat on their own in another room.

    DIM -

    The subtle development of thought control and softening up for major doctrinal and policy changes are well documented on this board and on others such as Osarsif's essays on changes in earthquakes, generations, dates etc.

    If you are still the average JW, I can assume your scholarship is lazy and haphazard. You probably cannot be bothered reading the relevant posts either because you cannot comprehend them or through guilt and terror.

    Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice shame on me is now my motto


  • hubert



  • zagor

    Thanx Hubert

  • z


  • zagor

    Thank you z alt

  • LongHairGal

    It wouldn't surprise me if they are doing this.

    Maybe it is a good thing. If you think about it, then they can't be a liability to a "worldly" employer. Surely, everybody has heard at least one story about a dub who worked in a hospital who divulged confidential information about another straying dub who may have had some forbidden procedure done.

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