i thought they were awesome. Been a fan for 30 years saw them do the wall twice in 1980 and 1981. Shouldnt have done as a Witness what did you think
PINK FLOYD tonight what did you think
by littlemike 32 Replies latest jw friends
Wasn't on in Canada, only the crappy Canadian Live8.
Maybe they'll come out with a new CD, though!
Watched with my 15 year old son who thought they were the business.
I refused to watch the "crappy" Canadian Live 8.....I woulda loved to see the London concert.....lucky ducks!!!!
I caught about 20 minutes of it, I thought they sounded great.
I quit!
i thought they were awesome. Been a fan for 30 years saw them do the wall twice in 1980 and 1981. Shouldnt have done as a Witness what did you think Was this part of the Aid for Africa concert? I will be checking ot see if it is on here. I am a big fan of Pink Floyd. The first Album I bought by them was Ummagumma when it first came out (dating myself) and have loved them ever since. My wife and me live to listen to it while crossing the desert at night while on vacation. I saw on the BBC news I get on my pda that the Sex Pistol are getting back together for the Aid concert (minus Sid of course). That should be interesting. Just saw a clip on the news here while writing this that it is being televised. Gotta look for it. -
i saw them do the wall in 81..brill
Were there any new songs?
I have had a great day - the Floyd, the whole Floyd, and for me it was nothing but the Floyd - perfect! I stayed up from 1am when Live 8 started screeening here in NZ, till noon today when it finshed. If only I had been able to find they were playing towards the end - I could have got some sleep.
I have it on VHS and will be replaying it later.