Frog said: Mary's back!! you really scared a few people on da board, they thought you'd be swallowed up by the convention monsters!
Sorry bout dat.......I was so damn tired when I got home last night (the god damn thing spiritual food didn't end until after 5:00pm).
Ascot asked: Did you finally get your drink??
I think the appropriate question is: Did you get your drinks The answer is "yepper!"
Luna asked: Glad you made it back okay. Are you going tomorrow too?
Dear god, day of that hell was enough for me. I don't think I'll be able to make it.
I quit asked: I don't know if you feel like answering this but I'm curious. If you hate it so much why do you stay?
Mostly for my family, although I've only been to one meeting in the last 4 months!
Confusedjw said: PHEW! Thanks for the review. I was afraid they had convinced you to come back.
Na, but I'm considering starting my own religion. My uncle (another ex-Dub who "hates those bastards!" with a passion) could help me fleece the flock really well.......I already got people lined up fer "healing"!!
Mouthy said: Thanks Mary was hanging around to find out how my "long lost brothers" were feeding the bleep
They're force-feeding them........after all, we "can't afford to be picky eaters now"Talesin said: I bow to your superlative wit.
Ah shucks Talesin......that's jes the Canuck in me!
Potleg said: Thanks Mary, sorry you had to sit through this garbage.
Well it was a real freaking trial let me tell you quite a long day......I really wish I had had eaten some magic mushrooms like John did on Patmos I had been paying closer attention so that the afternoon coulda flown by to "gleen" all the spiritual food that was provided.
Cordelia asked: were you at the manchester one/ im not sure where your from
Nope, I'm in Canada.........but it's probably all the same shit sermons spiritual food everywhere in the world.