What have you gained?
Something the JW's will never experience unless they throw off the oppressive chains of WatchTower lies and deceit:
The love of Christ as my savior
by bagpuss 34 Replies latest jw friends
What have you gained?
Something the JW's will never experience unless they throw off the oppressive chains of WatchTower lies and deceit:
The love of Christ as my savior
I have been told by others that since I left the Watchtower I am a much friendlier and happier person.
Self respect
True love for myself and for others
Inner peace
kattie, you crack me up. have i said that before? hillarious.
i have gained a brain...
Not a JW here, but influenced by the society nonetheless. I gained a Voice. Thank you JWD.
Freedom to learn. Freedom to call up someone I find interesting regardless of their beliefs and hang out. That incredibly empowering knowledge that all of us people are in this game of life together. I can't imagine living any other way now.
yeah like most people here i have gained a life to choose what i wish to do and what i dont want to do. I have gained the experience of celebrating bdays and christmas. es
...what else is there?
Control over my own life.
I have also learnt not to judge people but to accept them for who they are.
And Lots of Time to spend with my family and real friends!!!!!
Stress Free