What did you do as a child (or adult) to survive boredom during meetings?

by Wasanelder Once 33 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • horrible life
    horrible life

    I would cross my leg til it went to sleep and uncross it and feel the tingle, and try to keep from laughing. And cross the other leg and start the process again. I also liked reading Ruth and Esther. And filling out the O,P,B etc. I almost forgot, splitting my split ends of my hair. I wasted alot of time doing that. But I always stopped when they mentioned a bible verse, and tried to be the first one to find it, so people would think how wonderful I was.

  • Rex

    As an adult, sound man was a good occupation, especially on Thursday nights. After we had our children we could always 'beg off' do to various things going on with them. My wife and I used to specialize in the 'halftime fade' and go out the door after the Ministry School. We got out many years ago, had our eyes opened to the Watchtower falsehoods right here on the 'net boards. Wife, two sons and I all left at once. A loving, obedient, praying church helped us out and the Lord opened our hearts to Himself....may the name of Jesus be praised! God Bless all of you... Rex

  • loosie

    I try staring at the speaker long enough so I can see his Aura. This takes a lot of practice.

  • Sparkplug
    As a kid I used to roll my white socks down in as tight a roll as I could, then roll them up again, then down again tighter, then up again.

    Kitty...Me too! LMAO I also was of the get beat quite often class. This really sucked.

    Once, I was such a naughty lil kid, I said I had to go to the restroom, and my mother did not believe me, because when the meeting time came I had the most active bladder and had to inspect the potty 200 times a night. Well this time I really had to go, so she said no and I could not hold it. So I remember thinking that if I peed just a tad, no one would notice and I would have relief. This is not as simple as it sounds!! About two dribbles in, I lost control and as the metal book study chair filled up, I remember thinking, "This is bad." So my mom takes me to the book study conductors room and gets ready to beat the tar out of me and I got this streak of braveness and took off and ran as fast as I could around the room. I tore it up. In living color temper tantrum.

    I was so disruptive that the conductor who was quite sick of my naughtiness, lost it and started to laugh. Then all the kind folks started to laugh. So as I tantrumed, the study laughed. When my mom did catch me, I did the one arm drop that if you keep your bottom bouncing on the floor while having your arm pulled out of the socket, you dont have to be beat too hard in on spot. This forces the mom to follow you in a circle and try to swat as you bump crawl around the floor. This was a pretty sight soaked in pee and I bet it was a mess to clean up. LMAO now!!

    As a teen, the whole group of congregation kids would do this game. When we arrived at the meeting we would have a scripture or two picked out if we had found one, and have it on a dozen or so notes of paper. Then we would also have a time written on it. So at say 8:30 all of us would turn to that scripture and read it. The catch was that in the old green version of the NWT, if you read across the page instead of going steady down the page...you could come up with some funny stuff. Such as "All things are lawful, but not a woman with a shaved head!"

    We also had some we just read parts...such as"Horses in heat have strong testicles!" Something like that. Anyhow it was a blast and we all really had a good time not snorting, or laughing too hard, but sometimes you could not help yourself.

    We often entertained ourselves by laughing at whoever of us got reproved that night. Quite often it was me. One time there were about four DF'ings and 7 reproves. It was quite dramatic! One guy got up and stormed out, all were crying, and all the while us kids planned our next party seeing the elders called us all to the front at the beginning of the meeting and had us sit in the front rows together. There were a lot of us...looking all sad and trying to be as repentant as we could appear....meanwhile passing a note on the next party...

    Santa Fe Congregations were really really wild with the teens for a while. Not but a few that were sober nor virgins during the meetings.

  • Sparkplug

    So basically, I was disruptive and thought up things to get reproved for! Made time fly.

  • Hellrider

    After I was old enough to not have to sit next to my mother and father, and was allowed to sit on the bench behind them, with a friend, I`d hide comic magasines inside "My Book of Bible Stories". It was big enough to conceal them. Then we`d sit there with each our book of bible stories, reading comics, and swapping. It made it almost bearable to be there.

  • lonestar

    Really not on subject, but as a kid I used to check to see who had their eyes open during the prayer.

  • Crumpet

    LOL Lonestar and welcome to the board - I used to do that too - you could see all sorts of naughty behaviour going on during the prayer - crotch scratching, nose picking, bottom stroking between dating couples etc!

  • gaiagirl

    I would frequently attempt "out of body" experiences, and got to the point that, whether or not I really went anywhere, I may as well have been gone. Other times, simple things like crossing my legs and flexing my thigh muscles helped meetings pass much more quickly.

  • shark attack
    shark attack


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