It's been a long-long time since i shared any deep thoughts on religion... so please bear with me.
i was fishing this morning...since they weren't biting it gave me time to ponder;
One of the concepts that caused me to leave the X-tian faith is the conundrum that boggles my mind when i consider free-will.
I've made the argument in the past that Adam didn't have any free-will in the garden of Eden.
Now, keep in mind, i do realize that this is all mythology... but since so many choose to treat this as historical fact; i will deal with it on this basis.
Most of the genesis account, is written vaguely, and in generalities. But the gospels can be quite specific at times in the events of jesus' life.
If Christ knew that peter would disown him 3 times before the cock crowed; then this means that peter's actions were pre-ordained, and therefore peter didn't have any free-will.
IF by chance, peter had not disowned Christ... then Christ would have been wrong... and hence imperfect.
If christ were imperfect... then the whole basis of christianity would not make sense. IE... the point in christs life, was to be a sacrifice to God... a perfect life in exchange for the perfect life Adam gave up.
So Peter had no choice... once Christ made his prediction.
My 2 cents on a fishing day