Will man evolve and rid themselves of controlling governments? I say yes if we make it.
evolutionary future of governments
by frankiespeakin 12 Replies latest jw friends
Government are just a recent developement in the human evoluton, just a phase they are not permanent, either that or man will go extinct.
I agree that it is likely. But, i think that an intermediate stage that may be necesary, is a one world govt. The present setting of extreme powers against each other may be paving the way for it. The world govt may be needed to mix all the cutlures of the world, or perhaps to make all cultures acceptable in all places, as long as they don't infringe on other persons. Unified europe may be a prequel to it. My 2 cent opinion, anyway.
Robert K Stock
According to the Declaration of Independence governments are formed to protect individual rights. Any group of humans will have to have a set of rules spelling out how to peacefully cooperate. Good government is essential to human progress. Bad government is the source of misery. One world government would not be able to protect the rights of the individual.
Robert,Human governments in order to survive have to at least give the impression of what you claim but the truth is they are not always benign and are responsible for to a large degree for the problems they are suppose to protect us from.
Profits, growth, power, control, trying to direct human developement are not as benifical as they may seem at first glance.
It is hard to say. But if history is anything to go by you can see that governmental grip is getting weaker and weaker i.e. from strong monarchies to democracy. What will be in next 1000 one can only guess. Perhaps we will evolve to the point where no don’t need government any more. Or perhaps not. The thing is if there is no, at least some kind of leadership, you don’t have unity. So maybe democracy is the ultimate government there will ever be.
Any kind of control by a leader or group of leaders may be in the near future but they would have to have a very very limited control much more limited than present. But if we survive long enough as a species even they will be a archaic thing of the past.
Any kind of control by a leader or group of leaders may be in the near future but they would have to have a very very limited control much more limited than present. But if we survive long enough as a species even they will be a archaic thing of the past.
Agree, perhaps future leaders should be more Jesus-like i.e. to lead by an example with tacit kind of influence and pervasion rather than force and intimidation. (and I mean real Jesus the man, not religion in general, or someone like Ghandi)
Robert K Stock
What the Founders of the United States created was a limited government with enumerated powers providing a framework of peace and security in which individuals could achieve their full potential.
Anarchy opens the way for tyrants and thugs to trample individual rights. Getting rid of government is a step back to the time before civilization began and not progress at all.
Anarchy opens the way for tyrants and thugs to trample individual rights. Getting rid of government is a step back to the time before civilization began and not progress at all.
True. Minimal, or no govt as we know it could only work after the vast majority of the people on earth have learned to govern themselves. Until then, we do need govt, police, soldiers, courts, prisons, etc.