give it to an erstwhile brother who'll die to make an impression and kiss some may-jor ass.
- Preston
by tsunami_rid3r 35 Replies latest jw friends
give it to an erstwhile brother who'll die to make an impression and kiss some may-jor ass.
- Preston
I was asked to stand in for someone to do a talk on masterbation. I said "no".
You should have gotten up their and given a 5 minute speal (or at least until they cut the mike) about proper technique. Proper lube, correct visual or mental stimulation etc ect... Then as the three biggest MS and elders were hauling you off the stage start screaming "I thought since we can't have sex that we were FOR masterbation!"
so while we are no longer bound by the Ten Commandments or in fact the Mosaic law at all, there are still principles contained therein that are worthy of imitation.
For example, the law of not eating blood no longer applies but respect for life is the principle that remains and is important to consider. So we wouldn't needlessly put our lives in jeapordy over something written in the Old Testament but use it a simply a moral guideline rather than laws that must be obeyed.
I'd love to see you sneak that one through!
Like they say about drugs:
Don't do it, use any excuse in the book.
As much as I hate to answer a question with a question, (and obviously I have never prepared anything but the "sister's talk") but isn't everything all spelled out beforehand? What scriptures to use, etc?
We (at least back when I was putting talks together) would be assigned the subject, the scrips to be used, and how long it was supposed to go. I often wished that I could have chosen the subject matter myself, cuz I got some real doozies that did NOT lend themselves to chatting on a bus, or talking to someone in a park!
Have things changed that much?
Tsun, have you considered just going and doing the talk just to get it out of the way? At least that way you won't get another one for a while!
Whatever you decide to do, you should at least once use the phrase "so why didn't people in the greek scriptures do their neighbours' wives?" I think it would lend a certain class to the talk.
heh heh heh
Possible Introduction:
Some opposers of the Bible claim it is out of date, irrelevant and not applicable to us today. Well they are at least half right!
Oh ballistic! I'm still laughing now! Well done on turning it down!What's up with these crazy oafs?!
I should have said, "is it a demonstration?"
Hiya, Tsunami –
Tell ya what, I'll give you a tip I stumbled on when my son was preparing what turned out to be his last TMS talk, age about 15:
He had been assigned an incomprehensible portion of the Revelation Climax book. We talked it over until he finally understood it – but then he still couldn't explain it. Finally I sighed and said, "Just read out of the book."
"Isn't that cheating?" he asked.
"It doesn't have to be original," I said, "it just has to be good."
So that's what he did. The School Overseer either didn't recognize the text, or valued parroting above honesty: he came up to us afterward and commented on how Christlike my 15-year-old freethinker was! We f***ing got away with it!
And that's my advice to you – lift a few paragraphs from the book – or if it's just a list of scripture, look up a few articles on the CD-ROM – and then cut and paste. Save the heart and the brain for more important things. Camouflage, brother – camouflage.
gently feral
yea i copy pasted all my work before. i just wish i could put in my own ideas and stuff, just to show off my talent. something like:
What prevents a man from just stealing another man's car? Why can't we just do our fellow neighbor's wives? Laws, they are the boundaries that prevent anarchy. They are the authority that followers must follow if they wish not to face punishment from the enforcing authority. The Constitution has 27 ammendments, laws that limit what the government can do to the American citizen. The Texas constitution has thousands of laws, books of them that could fit bookshelves, laws that cover every aspect of our daily lives. But all in all there are a set of laws that cover all of these laws like a tree over roots.
The Ten Commandments was provided to the Israelites by Jehovah himself as a foundation of how they must follow if they wish to reside in the Promise Land. It was a law of morals. One must not steal, commit adultery, murder, and so on. Jehovah also established the rules of how the Israelites would bless him. INSERT BIBLE SCRIPTURE((S)) ON ALL THAT CEREMONIAL SHIT HERE. This involved animal sacrifices, burning animals, wearing ceremonial gear, and inhaling incense. And only authorized priests could enter into Jehovah's temple. Obviously today, we, servant's of Jehovah, don't have to do all of these chores thanks to Jesus Christ. When Jesus arrived on earth, he let go of the ceremonial laws found in the Hebrew Scriptures and established new commandments for us to follow. INSERT BIBLE SCRIPTURE ON JESUS NEW COMMANDMENTS HERE. So Jesus just enhanced the 10 commandments and added new ones for us to follow. (((I WILL LOOK THEM UP AND PUT THEM HERE I FORGOT THEM.))) The issue of moral restraint wasn't removed after all, it was instilled on us naturally to follow as SCRIPTURE says, INSERT BIBLE SCRIPTURE THAT SAYS THAT.
Today, as we are striving through the last days, we should let our good morals shine forth upon this world of unrighteousness, especially as Witness's of Jehovah God, to reflect our loving creator. Also within God's organization, we have many laws(i need another word for this, i might get introuble for saying laws haha it sounds to harsh) that we should follow to serve Jehovah and show that we love him.